Recently, a popular Reddit thread highlighted some of the best ones that you can use in everyday life. Here are several:
- Store natural peanut butter upside down so it won't separate as much.
- If you put something down temporarily, say it out loud. ("I've put my phone on the dresser.")
"This engages many more areas of the brain (particularly the language centers) which creates a richer memory and makes it less likely you'll forget where you put it." —makes typos
"I'll also say it out loud when I turn off stove burners, blow out a candle, or unplug my hair straightener. I’ve found this helps me eliminate those moments where I leave the house or am in bed and I’m suddenly like, 'Did I leave that on?'" —plasticruester
- Buy anything you need for the kitchen — plates, glasses, pans — from a kitchen supply store.
"They're almost always cheaper than big box stores. Plus their stuff is built to last years in a commercial kitchen under constant use, so it sure as hell can handle your Sunday brunch. There are a few online shops and my go-to has been Web Restaurant Store." —Fenway franks
- If you have a spare minute at home, always take a few seconds to just pet your dog or cat and really appreciate them.
"A phrase I heard somewhere has really stuck with me: Pets are only a part of your life but you are your pet’s entire life." —amanda30697
- If you have trouble making a decision, flip a coin. While you're waiting to get the result, your mind automatically starts to wish for what it wants.