Developing Countries vs Developed Countries

The concept of development is completely dependent on a few aspects which separate the nations into developed and developing countries and that are;

  • HDI

  • Standard of living

  • Economic Status that includes

  • GDP

  • GNP

  • National Income

  • Per Capita Income

  • The Rate of Industrialization 

These few things are enough to understand the stand of any country is it on the developed side or on the developing side. All the latest economy news judges and shares the reports of any nation based on these criteria.

Let us understand the concept of developing and developed nations keeping these aspects as the key points of the subject. 

Developed countries

According to the latest economy news, some of the examples of developed countries are-

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • France

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Norway

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • The United States

According to the name suggests we have got an idea that these countries are advanced in terms of many amenities to the developing countries.  These were the countries which were flourished at the time of the industrial revolution and hold the flag of superiority for developed and economy and industrialization to date. These countries have shifted their agro-based economy to industrialization by focusing more on the manufacturing and service sectors. Since they have a high industrialization rate than that of developing countries, as a result, they offer vast employment opportunities to skilled and semi-skilled workers. And because of high availability of jobs, skilled workers from the developing nations migrate for job opportunities and contribute their skills to the developed nation resulting in the increase of national income, per capita income GDP, and GNP. Not only because of the well established economic status but also the developed countries are known for their HDI ( human development index ). Having said that, Norway stands at the first position in terms of its HDI followed by Switzerland, Canada, the USA, and the rest of the developed nations. 

Developing Nations

Developing nations are the nations that could not match their pace at the time of the industrial revolution and have remained backdated in comparison to the developed nations. According to the world contemporary history, these were the nations that were under the colonial rule of the present-day developed nations. In regards to the latest economy articles, hese are generally the countries where the economy is almost based on agriculture. Because of the lack of service and industrial sector the skilled youth because of employment opportunities migrate to the developing countries. The result of such, leads to the downfall of the economy in the developing countries in terms of national income, per capita income, GDPA. These are the countries that generally lies in Africa and southern Asia. Developed countries provide support to developing countries to set up industries and to gear up their service sector.  These countries have low HDI  ( human development index ) because of a lack of education, health, sanitation, security, transportation facilities. In these countries, large families are considered as an asset and because of it these countries have an uncontrollable population growth with a lack of resources. Because of the poor sanitation and health facility, these countries have a high mortality rate as well. The government of developing countries has to face the situation of debt to meet the need for such a vast population. This has created a scenario of poverty and scarcity within the nation. Many of the resources of these countries remain underused because of the lack of skill and technology to use the resources to its optimum level. 


The first reason behind this differentiation among the countries in history. But the industrial revolution has crossed over more than 300 years and most of the countries are independent now. The impact of the colonial rule and industrial revolution should have been gone till now. The basic reason behind this issue is the workforce of the respective countries. The citizen of the nation should contribute towards its nation by using the optimum of the resources available. Contributing to the country which pre-developed will leave a negative impact on his homeland. If this trend continues then the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer. To erase this broad spectrum of inequality among the nations the citizens should take the sole responsibility for the growth of its nation.

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