If you are one of my followers, you may have noticed that I have posted a number of articles regarding broken American sex laws and the likes that question the fairness and integrity of American statutory-age-of-consent laws as well as laws related to them. Below I have assembled together a list of Jason B Truth's articles that fall within that same category, and herein I provide you with a portal to those same articles.

To get to any of those articles, all you have to do is click on the title of any of them below as I have linked each and every one of them to their pertinent article.
Keep in mind that as Jason B Truth continues to publish articles of this nature on the HubPages writing platform and its vertical sites, I will add the titles of any new articles in that respect to this same list and link them to their actual articles. Here is the list of such articles:
Should Deadbeat Teenage Fathers Be Drafted?
Jill Holtzman Vogel Is Wrong for Virginia
Jill Holtzman Vogel Is Ruining Virginia
Did Justin Fairfax Save Virginia From Jill Holtzman Vogel?
Jill Holtzman Vogel’s Defeat Was Virginia’s Victory
It’s 2019! Jill Holtzman Vogel Must Go!
Eighteen-Year-Old Women Are Not Little Girls
American Society Treats Teenage Mothers Disgracefully
Both Extremes Regarding Teenage-Related Morality Can Be Harmful To Society
Most Americans Probably Don't Know About The International Megan's Law
Virgins On The Sex Offender Registry! Seriously?!
Have American Obscenity Laws Gone Too Far?
Is Hebephilia a Psychiatric Disorder or Merely a Social Construct?
Most Child Advocates Are Hypocrites, If Not Phonies
Registered Sex Offenders Are Being Forced Into Poverty
Florida Capital-Punishment Bill Regarding Sexual Offenses Sparks Controversy
Stop Demonizing Mary Kay Letourneau!
Will Hebephilia Ever Be Reclassified as a Psychiatric Disorder?
True Feminists vs. Pseudo-Feminists
Draconian Sex Laws Destroyed A Would-Be Family's Lives
Was Dr. Richard Von Krafft-Ebing an Evil Genius or Merely a Vicious Charlatan?
The Terms "MAP" and "MAPs" Are Politically Incorrect and Dangerous
Did David Eisenhauer Really Want To Murder Nicole Lovell?
Why I Won't Buy Girl Scout Cookies Anymore
Stop Idolizing Young Fathers! They're Not All Infallible Puritans!
Not All Sex Offenders Are Created Equal Or Punished Alike
Most Online Vigilantes Are Domestic Terrorists
American Statutory-Rape Laws Expose Teenagers to Danger and Violence
A YouTube Influencer on Sex-Offender Registry Fights off Haters
As words of wisdom hold, I want facts rather than fear. Keep checking back on this same list as it grows with new articles. I'm your Spaceship Captain reporting to you.😊
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