The Swedish government will vote on a new law with will allow law enforcement to install spyware on computers, phones, tablets and smart devices like routers, smart refrigerators and stereos tomorrow. The law, which will likely pass, will not require law enforcement offers to get any kind of warrant before they install spyware on a victims computer or device. The mere suspicion of a law enforcement officer is enough.
Sweden is already rather law-less when it comes to ordinary citizens rights. No warrant is required to break into someones home and confiscate or steal property which is why the new data surveillance law won't require any warrants - they are not a thing in Sweden. I experienced this first hand back in 2015 when two criminal law enforcement officers, Peter Fromén and Lars Chef Engqvist, broke into my home and stole computers, bitcoin wallets and other property. Their excuse was that some scammer on LocalBitCoins bought BTC from a dozen people using a hi-jacked bank account. They did not present any list of confiscated items like Swedish law requires so it took a complaint to the Swedish supposedly oversight body Justisombudsmannen to see what they did and did not list as confiscated. It turned out they listed most of the electronics but omitted, and just outright stole, the BTC wallets. Filing charges against these criminals lead to them admitting that they did not present any list of confiscated items as well as several other crimes which, according to them, were "mistakes". Swedish police can, and do, commit grave crimes which they get away with by simply claiming they were done by "mistake".
It is absolutely certain that new Swedish data surveillance law, which will much likely be passed tomorrow, will be abused.
People in Sweden should absolutely take a hard look at their firewall, router, computer and smart phone operating systems and consider how their fair in terms of boot chain integrity, full disk encryption and so on. As for people in other countries who may want or need to travel to Sweden: Just don't. And don't bring any electronics with you if you have to.
The Swedish blog has a in-depth article about the nightmarish proposed new Swedish law at and they will probably have a new post with the results of the actual vote tomorrow. It will very likely be passed, the Swedish government is not one which ares about privacy, human rights or the citizens security.
A very long government document about the law, a "Lagrådsremiss" in Swedish, is at the Swedish governments website at