Truth: The Southwest Pilots Association did file a lawsuit against the covid vaccine mandate
Fiction: The vaccine mandate caused the Southwest flight delays
Summary: The lawsuit has affected very few employees. First of all it’s hard for southwest to PROVE who hasn’t had the vaccine. Fake vaccine cards can easily be manufactured. The mandate has little to do with the delays. Other airlines face the same vaccine mandates but they don’t have delays. The delays did root in poor mismanagement of resources. Yes, some weather did affect things, but that’s mainly a scapegoat for poor logistics and poor company operational management. …but the conspiracy that the vaccine mandate is the reason southwest is having delays is false.
All that being said, I am against the government making vaccine mandates, …but I personally feel much safer flying with airlines that do have vaccinated employees. I encourage more people and businesses to utilize freedom of association (not government mandates) to drive forward higher vaccination rates that will lure my dollar in a market economy.
My friends and family are much safer with companies and workers that look to add protection from the virus via vaccines (even if just to reduce my chances of getting sick, I know the virus is most likely not going to kill me as I’m young and in shape), but anything to reduce my chances of catching a sickness that is highly communicable and that could harm my high risk friends and family is encouraged by me as long as it’s voluntary.