in leadership •  5 years ago 

Are you fed up simply because you can’t get people do or get things done that you order or command them to do, what if i told you there is a way you can get people do and get things done that you command them to do without resisting or even you asking sometimes, well in this post, am going to share with you, 4 approaches you can take and get people do things that you order and command them to do without stressing and straining yourself

First am going to share with you two types of people, the commanding type, and the asking type, and you can let me know in the comment section below which of the two you would choose to help after am done explaining the two.

    1-type number one-the command type(he/she comes to you in a loud and commanding tone), something like this, hey you, i want you to get that chair over there and put it over there, feel that, not cool right.

      2-type number two-the asking type(he/she comes to you in a calm and asking tone)something like this, hi there, hi, my name is kenneth, and you are, peter, well sorry to bother you peter, but, do you by any chance know a thing or two about chairs or know someone who does, coz i wanted to get that chair over there and put it over there, but am not so good with chairs and i wouldn’t want to damage it in the process, see that,well here is the thing, 90% chances are, whether peter knows a thing about chairs or not, he will help you willingly, but still you can let me know which of the two you would choose to help and how it would make you feel based on the two different approaches. 

now is the secret, almost every human on earth hates being commanded, but still people are always willing and ready to help if, and when asked, its just some people don’t want to ask, and thats becoz some have big egos and others are proud, so always make sure you make the other person want, what you want them to do before you ask,its that simple. don’t command people, ask people

This is what i mean by this, all people love challenges, but some go into challenges knowing and others not knowing, and thats simply because there are two types of challenges, the direct challenges, and the the indirect challenges.
Here is an example of a direct challenge, hey james, i bet that i can win you at fishing, and if james doesn’t know a thing about fishing or even doesnt love fishing at all, he will bail out before the challenge even begins, but for this case we going to go with the indirect challenge, and this is how you get a person into an indirect challenge, Hello james, you know mike right, sure what about him, well he took me fishing last weekend and he bet me 100$, but i got to tell you, it was fun and challenging at the same, just wish my daddy taught me fishing when i was a kid, i think this is something am going to be doing for the rest of my life, anyways we going back next weekend, but i know its not you kinda of thing, hope you are ok, i was checking on you, then you drop the call. what do you think james will think and do by the end of that phone call, well here is the thing. 70% chances are, james will want in, and that’s becoz..1-people love challenges and 2= no one wants to be left out, we all want in, so the next you think about getting people into doing things you want them to do, don’t talk them in, talk them out and they will end up buying themselves in.

Tell me who do you know that does not love power, being in control or even being in charge, lets say you want to pitch an idea to a group of people, there are two ways you can do it, 1-tell it to them direct or 2-pitch it to them and then make them feel they are the ones that came up with the idea, and this is how you can go about it, hey guys i was thinking we go swimming next weekend but i don’t know, what do you guys think we should do, see what you have just done there, you have planted an idea into their minds and handed over the power to them at the same time, and 80% chance are, you will get responses like this, no thats a cool idea, we should go swimming then think of something else next weekend, and that’s because they will feel they are the ones that came up with the idea and doing it out of their own will, but in reality it will be you who pitched and planted the idea in their minds without them noticing, research shows it that people perform more effective when they are in charge than they do when not in charge, so always remember to let the other person lead if you want them to do the things that you want them to do

Tell me a person you know who doesn’t want to feel important, put their names in the comment section below, one of the reasons to why there is civilization, its simply becoz all the creators and inventors, have all always to feel important,and we all do, that’s what drives us, coz we all do more and better when we around people or in a place we feel important, so one of the ways you can get people do things for you is by making them feel important around you, its that simple, and you can only do this by appreciating their time and energy.

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