in leadership •  5 years ago 

Winning is a mindset everyone can acquire, and in this post, i share how one can program his/her mind for success and focus on winning, I just hope this post will be helpful for somebody, and if you think this post can help someone, please share it

Now. Let’s assume you sailing to an island, and upon reaching that island, you burn your boat, that won’t leave you with much of options, coz u won’t be able to sail or swim off that island, the only option you will be left with is to make that island what you would love it to be

Now, back to life, if you want to win in life, burn all the options you may be having in your head, things like, what will the world think, what will people say, cause people don’t care anyways, burn all those negative thoughts that are stay holding you back, burn all those thoughts that are still keeping you away from being positive,burn all those thoughts that are still keeping you away from being happy, burn all those thoughts of being afraid to try, don’t be scared to be different, the only option you should keep in your mind is winning.

And the minute you get to that stage, stop chasing and start creating your dreams, focus on improving the version of you you want to be, focus on making yourself better, cause whether you doing or not people will always say what they want to say and there is no way you can ever change or control that.

People you talk to about your plans will have opinions and assumptions to your plans, keep an open mind, but listen not to anything they say which comes off negative, cause in many cases people will try to talk you out and that’s simply becoz people only believe in things they understand or see, and it’s only you who can see your dream until you make it a reality, so care not about anything they might think or say, focus on winning, let winning be the only thing you believe in, let winning be the air that you breath in, let winning be the only thing you see even when you losing, let winning be the only dreams you have when you sleeping, let winning be the first thing you think of when you think not of trying, let winning be the only and first thing you see every morning when you wake up,put the end picture in your mind and focus on winning, cause there is no other strategy that will ever help you achieve greatness in life more than the ability to believe, and to focus on winning. Only keep the winning mindset in your mind if you want to win in life

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