Learn to play the electric guitar: The most important basics at a glance

in learning •  7 years ago 

Learning to play an instrument at the beginning often seems almost impossible and one wonders whether one can ever master even a small part of the arts of one's role model. But if you learn the right basics correctly, the beginning is usually not that difficult. The most important basics will be presented here.


The beginning of every guitar beginner should be in learning chords, i. e. learning the finger positions of the basic chords. They are also known as beginners from all kinds of song books where the chords (e. g. C, D7) are written over the piano notes. They indicate the chord to be played where it is located. They consist of several notes, which usually have to be "grasped" with several fingers over the entire width of the fingerboard. This "grasping" is already the second basis of guitar learning. Especially as a beginner, one often tries in vain at the G major chord, because it initially causes a very strong "bending" of the hand. However, there is only one solution to this problem: practising, practicing, practicing. The hands must be adapted to play the guitar. Reading notes is part of guitar learning for some people, although it is not absolutely necessary. However, it is definitely necessary if you want to play classical pieces of music, as they are mainly written in "musical language". Even if you want to become more professional in the music scene, it makes sense to learn notes and their connections with chords, as well as other things (harmonics etc.).
In this way you can communicate better with other musicians and express what you think instead of giving shaky descriptions. However, if you just want to replay your favourite bands and you don't have any big ambitions in the music business, then you can usually be content with learning to read tablatures. The so-called tabs have a line for each string of the guitar and are therefore much easier to understand and often more practical for simple pop-rock pieces with a total of three chords.

Will counts

At the end, however, one should not forget that the most important basis for learning and playing the electric guitar is the will. Those who practise for some time on a daily basis will experience corresponding successes and thus continue to enjoy the newly learned. If you want to learn even faster, choose a guitar teacher or a guitar course in your area: Learning more than one is still the most fun. If you're still looking for your first electric guitar, it's best to get advice in the next big guitar shops. There you can try out a variety of electric guitars and find the guitar that suits you best in terms of looks and feel.

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