The most common tactic among leftists nowadays seems to be to point to the "racist origins" of ideas they don't like.

in leftist •  11 months ago 


Well, here's a newsflash -- your ideas aren't original, and every idea can be linked to a history of racism.

Humanity has been around for a hundred thousand years, and it's only been within the last couple hundred years that we started to think that racism was bad.

If you throw the baby out with the racist bathwater, you don't just destroy western civilization -- as a lot of these dumb college students seem to think and want. You're throwing out every foundation to every idea in the world.

There is no innocent civilization on the planet in this regard.

If you think that socalism is the cure to the racism of capitalism, just try to compare Adam Smith to Marx for two seconds.

Marx openly supported genocides against peoples whom he regarded as inferior. Smith never made such a proclamation.

Still, here we are, in 2024, with useful idiots crying to end capitalism because it's racist.

Evaluate things for what they are, and how they're working.

Sure, at a point, the push for school vouchers gained popularity with racists because they didn't want desegregated schools. Vouchers are still a great idea despite having bad actors involved in the movement more than half a century ago.

No idea is completely clean of bad actors or bad motivations. If you dig enough, you'll find dirt everywhere.

This rhetorical nonsense about the roots in racism needs to die sooner than later.

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