Can both "legal person" and "natural person" be summarised as "individuals"? If not, what is a more appropriate term that describes both, other than just "person"?

in legalperson •  4 years ago  (edited)


Profile photo for Suyash Manjul
Suyash Manjul, The Indian Lawyer
Answered April 16, 2014
There are several forms of Rights available to a person such as human rights, customary rights, religious rights, constitutional rights, legal rights etc.
Now, these rights are usually divided on the basis of their origin for example religious rights have an origin in the religion, customary rights come from prevalent practices in a society or community and so on.
Most of these rights are interdependent and often overlap each other.
Now coming to your question of constitutional and legal rights. A constitutional right is one which flows specifically and directly from the constitution of a country (or any other entity) a legal right on the other hand can flow from any law of that place. So it would safe to say that all constitutional rights are legal rights but all legal rights are not constitutional rights.
A constitutional right is more fundamental to the people living in that country and all other laws and rights flow from the constitution itself ( for countries which have a constitution, Countries like United Kingdom which do not have written constitution have the parliament as supreme). A legal right cannot in most cases prevail over a constitutional right.
What importance a constitutional right is given depends upon how important the constitution is considered to be.
In the constitutioin of U.S. the right to free speech is a constituional right, in India all fundamental rights are constitutional rights. A constitutional right is strictly protected but a legal right is more easy to take away. The right to property in India is a legal right and can be taken away by the state (which includes legislature, executive and Judiciary), a constitutional right however such as right to free speech cannot be taken away per se that easily and a long legal procedure is to be followed.

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the only thing that I have to say about what you say is that :
~ “A constitutional right is more fundamental to the people living in that country and all other laws and rights flow from the constitution…” okay, so, as the Constitution of the United States of America, is only for the persons within such means; so, if you are a non+person, then the USA Constitution does not something that you have to understand, as they can understand it and yet, they mostly overstand it.. ..and so, to say simply non+persons are foreign and exempt from any laws of the U.S.A., yet are always bounded by the lawful laws of the United States.
~ So, the point is, the U.S.A. Constitution does not give rights, as it goes/says by you, the non+person/We the People give life to/create/own< then the U.S.A. Constitution < then it goes the government/governing board of the said organization of the U.S.A. < then it goes there public/slaves/property/ citizens/public servant(and if they are bad, then they are p. servant; public ser-u-ant < owned by all state/county’s nationals) = too the non+persons/We the People/state=county’s nationals.
~~as it says in the preamble, “The people of the United States, create this document for to be a Constitution for the United States of America;” so, right their you see the per see of what is the means that the United States is not of the United States of America, as the United States of America is part of the United States because the people/the nationals, created the means for their servants to be able to know how to carry out the decry of the People so that their would be common sense/the king’s or Queen’s, way of giving Public Notice; now I have to say, that with such words of common sense, the echoing fact of the per se of what is the plain and clear truth that, the framers(that are very easily confused with the founding fathers, as the founding fathers were the revolutionaries oh, that fought in Wing Andy throning King George, winning their sovereignty; essentially winning the right and the per se too choose how to use their free will and take their rightful place as having dominun over the Earth < as, it is to simply to say, the Devils, person; as, it is wo/mans job to keep the Devil in check, as the Devil still has their powers, as no where in the bi(2)ble(able) say that God, token the powers of the Devil; so that’s why GOd says be wintin your rights to check the sheep that walks and talks like a wolf, for the wolf will use sheep clothing too fool you and make ou think that you are the fool, yet even the jester knowns who is the real fool, Add to kind of say to build their pursuit of their happiness, as within their means and the justification to do such, of/as their happyness),the 1ones that started the Founders Club, and built the Constitution, for the persons of the United States of America and yet, made sure that they gave the We the People a Republic upon which the United States will all ways take it’s standings. Yet, going back to the point that, that is Public is not of the non+person/We the People/ State=countys nationals, so who really should only be paying for Public Utilities < well, persons/the Public Servants; as they are using the Peoples property, just like any other theme of a kingdom, from any of the other enslaved worlds/those that don’t use a Republic (Re-public, see how “re,” and public,” are together as 1one, well, thats because back-in-the-day, the public use to be = We the People, untell we, stood up and fought for our rights to our free will, as that is what it is always been about, who controls your free will < of man, will shape all life and give breath to live that is inhuman;“ yet, then when the public won and become the We the People, the founders knowing full-hand/by first-hand-knowleedge, as they just went thought it, as something extra just went on, yet, so, that is why, We the People have a Republic and not a Democracy like the United States of America has.. .. you know democracy is pretty great, everybody gets to vote; yeah everybody votes that you don't get to eat for a month and you don't get a house anymore oh, that's democracy oh, that's why we have a Republic.). So, it’s the Public servants that are to be paying for such use of the People’s/the king’s and the Queen’s property. See I’m not too sure who, started and thought it was so clever to use common sense so that no matter how lost down the line there would be, their would always be a way of gilding the People back to their rightful place upon overstanding there laws so that we can better shape and mode/Maintain our lawful-laws, that we as non+persons have to follow, by per se of the People taking into their hand’s to show you how not to be rebukable like a US Citizen is and that’s why they are paupers, as simply to say they don’t even own anything, as property can’t own property.
~Yet, it goes without saying that thee P. Servants have somehow started making rules for the masters and that is why and when a Domestic terrorist was created; yet, then they still try to play god and yet, Simply to say to use reverse psychology on you and legal English/ legalese/ the third degree of any language.

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