cats, dogs, humans, ...

in lennythyme •  6 years ago 


Grey cats have a zen of being. This one was the best mouser ever. London lived outside in the barn and lasted 15 years - which is very, very elderly for the feline persuasion. On the other hand, there is no loyalty like a dog.


This girl is the original prototype for Izzy the Wonderdog. Tootsie went missing and that triggered a leap of faith. Thirteen years later, there still is no closure - the idea that dogs and cats are sentient is acknowledged - they can teach us the art of communication.

The Knew Weigh is a theme of human scale life. You are you, the single pair of eyes reading this blog. You have other people in your immediate family that you care for that have an interest in your time. We may have to redefine the concept of immediate family - blood relations is a very archaic grouping system. Group should be small to be manageable.


Cats cannot be herded by humans, but cats indeed do respond to Kat. The dogs are wimpering, as the smell of anchovy waifs from the political system. What you know is what you know, a basis set set in the depth of thought. Consciousness and spirituality are different concepts - the aesthetic and the effemeral have been replaced by the rude and crude. If Maroon 5 can sing it, then the jocks are back in town.

thyme warp.jpg

Sigh. Ah, Barlebey ...



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