Baked patatoe a day keeps doc away

in less •  6 years ago 

Not being too much of a gourmet (nor any kind of) chef, actually, and being a bachelor - lived alone for 35 years - as well, the culinary actions in my kitchen have been rather basic and uninspiring, one might say. I have though, never been hungry (other than the time I fasted for 21 days - then a half a small fish - followed by another 11 days of fast) and, have also been healthier than most, if not all, of my peers. The baked spud is not the most exciting dish but it has it's pros.; no pots are used (prick the spud and straight into the oven); no batters, oil or, other additives are needed; it is so simple, even a child can cook it (a lot easier than even Tastic Rice) and, it takes only 45-50 minutes for an enjoyable, nutritional, wholesome meal. I do, from time to time, add a serving of baked beans (for a bit of extra interest and flavour) or, as I will be doing just now, a serving of cabbage. I sometimes, when feeling a little hungrier than normal, mix the spud and cabbage and put it between two slices of bread, yum yum. I now eat meat sparingly as well (I acquire a little once or twice a year in fact which I generally do in the winter) and, other than the odd time out at a restaurant or a friend or family, do not taste meat at all. I miss it not in the least and, for the thirty odd years I have been doing so, have felt lighter, friskier, quicker, and overall a lot healthier as well. I sleep a lot better, I think clearer, I run lighter (never could hardly run at all), and I smell a lot less offensive in the bilge room as well. Humans were not actually designed to consume meat; we do not possess the appropriate teeth nor digestive system, and extensive meat eaters live shorter than veggers as well. Less time at doctors; less time in rest; less stress and a much more attractive body and lifestyle as well. I am a convert as I was brought up on a predominantly meat charged diet and, in retrospect, wish that I hadn'd because, the aroma of a roast is rather tantalizing, and I also cannot deny that I do enjoy the taste, now and then. But each to his own; I only know that, since going slow on the meat, I am a new creature, healthier and wiser as well. This opinion, I know, will not be too well received by most (not least of all the cattle farmers) but, all I can say to them - without being nasty - is, tell someone who cares! I care for my health and my lifestyle more than ever in my life before and I challenge anyone to test this simple diet for themselves and see the results. I do, on alternate mornings, have a fried egg on a slice of bread but, other than that, and the couple of meat dishes in the winter as I said, do no meat whatsoever. The cows and goats look at me also a lot less suspiciously as well now, I might add.

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