#LEXITco Disrupts The Mergers & Acquisitions Industry

in lexitco •  7 years ago 


Mergers and Acquisitions are transactions in which the responsibility for, different business or their working units are exchanged or solidified with different elements. Organizations experience M&As to develop, kill taken a toll by scaling down, change the idea of their business, obtain more piece of the overall industry or stay focused in business. Regardless of the reason, the current M&As process include hordes of complex issues that must be explored with a specific end goal to effectively carry out any transaction

The Size of Mergers and Acquisitions Industry

75% of the path into 2016, North American and European mergers and acquisitions remains at an amazing estimation of $1.7 trillion. As of now, record measure of arrangements are being declared. Furthermore, look into having demonstrated that M&A arrangements can just go up over the long haul as organizations race to take off troublesome mechanical dangers and quicken development, what's to come is certainly splendid for players in this market segment.

Difficulties Facing Traditional Mergers and Industry

Regardless of the record number of prominent mergers and acquisitions in the most recent decade. It’s a well-known fact that over half of the present mergers and Acquisitions come up short. The reason for mergers can be imperfect. Intermittently, organizations overpay for acquisitions because of 'FOMO'- - dread of passing up a major opportunity to the following innovation advancements to the business contender or because of the trouble of evaluating an organization's natural value

In addition, factors, for example, political complexities (cross-outskirt mergers and acquisitions), precipitous layers of administration, absence of liquidity, centralization by huge investment banks (JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and so on.) and the inexorably over the top advisory charges contribute massively to the disappointment of M&As.


With the previously mentioned challenges hampering the achievement rate of M&As, #LEXITco, a blockchain startup situated in Tallinn, Estonia, tries to upset the mergers and acquisitions industry by propelling an online marketplace fueled by blockchain innovation.

By utilizing the blockchain's transparent and immutable nature, #LEXITco's round-the-clock marketplace will offer organizations/business visionaries from each edge of the countries of the world limitless access to a worldwide market where intellectual properties, codes, resources, parts or even an organization can be purchased or sold at the click of a mouse!

How It Works

Merchants/organizations/colleges are required to pay a listing fee (at a fourth of expenses of conventional M&As) to have their codes, IPs, resources or new businesses be recorded on the #LEXITco's platform. Purchasers/speculators/organizations can peruse through the listings, search for specific highlights in light of the data given by the vendors and then place orders.

At that point, computerized transactions are created and moved to an anchored 'virtual Deal Phase' where secret records are marked and terms arranged by means of smart contracts. The transactions are finished and the procedures end up traceable on an open record, exhibiting a perfect state of security and transparency.

Intellectual Property Acquisition In Academia

As per National Science Foundation (NSF), billions of research financing are consumed in the different universities' labs yearly. Unfortunately, under 20% of the patented inventions from these researches leave the research facilities for industry. Since there are no appropriate channels for colleges to commercialize these licenses other than depending on industry contacts, a great number of them wind up in dusty shelves, and are later set available to be purchased and sold to the highest bidder. In many cases, these licenses fall under the control of patent trolls- - organizations that do only accumulate patents and sue others for patent encroachment—therefore stifling innovations.

Through the #LEXITco's platform, universities will now have an unfettered access to a secured marketplace to sell their intellectual properties to organizations/innovators sitting in any edge of the globe that most merit them in a consistent and quick way.


#LEXIco won't just guarantee liquidity and diminish the general expenses of Intellectual properties transactions and M&As bargains by removing the middle-man rampant in the industry, it will reestablish straightforwardness in the system.

What's more, members will get a reasonable arrangement without over/under payments as costs of listing on the platform will be dictated by the market powers of interest and supply.

New businesses out there whose failures are not fixing to the nature of their ventures can bring their items on the marketplace and sell them

The M&As industry right now on the stifling holds of profound-pockets financial firms will be very decentralized that anybody with a web associated cell phone can partake!

Token Economy
ICO: 2018-06-19 - 2018-09-30

Price 1 ETH = 1200LXT

Bonus: currently 25% of Tokens purchased

Bounty: Currently Available

Platform: Ethereum
Accepting : ETH
Minimum investment: 0.01 ETH
Soft cap: 2000 ETH
Hard cap : 30000 ETH
Country : Estonia

LEXIT website: https://www.lexit.co/
twitter: https://twitter.com/LEXITco
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2494585.0
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AkNxswu7EAeXnsYJVuQgSw


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