LGBT Legends - Frequency Of The Brave And Forsaken

in lgbt •  2 years ago 


Spiritual Lesbian

'Love is the key to a world of beauty, light, and friendliness but what if you are gay, lesbian, or bisexual?'

You may feel the hurt of those wanting to dim your light by opting for a bogus version of your true self enabling easy assimilation into the matrix of compliance. This is the dilemma of many gay, bisexual, lesbian, and transgender people attempting to fit into a world that denies their very existence. I am that lesbian who is a warrior of love but feels the dark knights of bigotry knocking at her door like so many gays on a planet of extreme prejudice. A continuous blight on humanity that yields so much promise yet holds dear to the idea of division. It's learned thinking that dissipates when there is a world war or a time when we need to pull together to survive. Once the threat has passed the human collective pulls in the ranks and returns to the divorce of anyone who rebelliously chooses to be gay. This is not a circle of light but a shadow aspect of our species that disengages from the person they may have won the war with because they express a difference they can't find in their heart to accept. This leaves many souls out in the cold although their destiny is to create identity unity. These are people with a vital purpose and that is to spotlight the breakdown in human empathy and the ability to connect with those they deem unique or unusual. This stems from a view of humans that either look different or display behaviors that may not be in line with what you learned from your parents or the pastor giving their Sunday sermon in church.

'If a child hears being a lesbian or gay man is a sin and you are hell-bound that is a powerful message to be feared'

It may not be a child who is beginning to realize they are lesbian or gay but an infant who instantly feels repelled by the words of their guardians. Either way the memo is received and duly noted being gay is not cool and could put you on a pathway to separation from God your parents and most people you know. The journey is then one of doubt and internal hardship; as the young lesbian or gay feels the bite of human dislike. The early years are impressionable as a child soaks up the rhetoric of their immediate family; school friends and close ties. They may hear opposing versions of what they encounter at home which adds to the discomfort they may be starting to feel knowing they are somehow different from other boys or girls. My awakening was when I found a female classmate highly attractive. It was then I knew I had no interest in boys other than as a friend or family member. I never told my parents and kept this massive secret close to my chest for fear of rejection from my circle of friends. This is the quandary many kids find themselves in as the thought of coming clean would be a risk they don't feel comfortable taking. Had I felt relaxed enough to talk to my mother or father I believe my life would have been so different as holding a secret like that is painful and resistant to who we are. It interferes with our development on an emotional level stunting our internal growth by not being able to share the core of our sexuality with peers that could help guide us on our life journey.

'Later I dated guys but the spark was never there as my soul was begging me to shine my light of lesbian uniqueness'

I can't help but think about the many kids who are in the same predicament and how lonely their younger years might be trying to conform to a screenplay that featured boy meets girl and not girl meets girl. Out of all the people in the world, there will be kids waking up with their gay, lesbian, or bisexual desires and feeling abandoned by society and their close family who may be anti-gay or homophobic. The lack of support or even someone to talk to can make kids who are aware of their sexuality feel isolated and forsaken. It's often a rocky road to finally accepting the pain of not being who you are versus being a slave to conformity. Breaking free allows one to move forward on purpose a soul-driven directive that is written into coming to this land of restrained thinking. In fact choosing to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual denotes a certain bravery and willingness to highlight the often antagonist attitude of humans that love to dictate how others should behave. Whether it be them stepping into their defined sexuality or choosing a religion that is combative with another. If people are not glued to the analogy of riding the fence they are highly opinionated, deathly silent, or verbally abusive in their outlook. It's a world of molded values transmuted through the ages in the form of inheritance until a revolution occurs within the heart of someone who cracks the code of change. I invoke the 1st Amendment of the (United States Of America Constitution) with the freedom to share my loving lesbian self. Freely and openly so others can see we are not all cut from the same cloth. I also believe that through the divine art of reincarnation and as a creational soul, we wear the mask of a human to seek the high road of knowledge, awareness, and wisdom.


Gay Kids

'This is the divine ideal of growth and is preordained as a way to shift the way we think as a community of source and their fabulous fractals'

Billions of minds on earth are like receivers that synchronize with the 'most-high' and all souls chafing at the bit to be part of an affiliate consciousness. That together moves mountains in the universe and here on this planet. We are looking at a consummate machine of mixed thinking as every thought generated by a soul connects with the divine who evolves inquisitively as we do. The system is charismatic and defies the idea that God is separate from us and to us. It also implies we are immortal and can reincarnate from one lifetime to the next. My immediate imagery is of the famous Tardis that moves through timelines and arrives in the past, present, and future. As souls, we flow through many incarnations reaping the benefit of exquisite growth while enduring the universal law of karma for our misdemeanors. We get to choose who we will be in every shape and form. This starts a debate. Do we choose to be gay, lesbian, or transgender? Or is it something else? Science has struggled to find the exact reason we arrive here as a human who falls in love with their own gender. As a lesbian, I believe it was a choice and my spiritual passage to purpose. I feel blessed to carry the lamp of sexual liberty through a dark realm of favoritism. And that is for those who honor the religious text of God disowning anything other than the union of a man and woman. To think our planet is split into so many mosaics because each religious belief has its own narrative about what our creator defines as in alignment with our higher self or relationship with creation. Being gay is not a prerequisite for living in purgatory. In fact, my life has been enrichened with my New Ager faith which is strong, forthright, and inspired by God's motif of unconditional love. Something we could all aspire to feel for each other regardless of color, sexuality, or culture.

'I often say if you want to try this heavenly recipe sit awhile with animals and be awed by their effortless affection'

If we showed our kids this loving style of acceptance when they think they are gay our children would feel confident about who they really are. Instead, a high percentage of kids and teenagers right now are homeless because their parents cast them out, and are struggling with feelings of shame, guilt, and abandonment. What happens next is often addictions to calm the pain and this can carry into adulthood. Some parents refuse to let their grown-up offspring speak of their gay or lesbian insignia to avoid embarrassment from their religious or homophobic connections. imagine an adult caught between pleasing their family and wanting to be openly gay. This person will suffer as a tug-of-war scenario is played out and loyalties are tested to retain family intimacy. It is a cruel game of opposing opinions where being gay is scorned even by loved ones. Religion's stance on same-sex unions may have evolved but at the core is still a denial of its validity. And this is causing splits in families and the fallout of rejection when we hide our glittering gay selves and abandon our right to live as we choose. So often we are disowned for being different and match this betrayal by relinquishing our sexual preference in favor of kinship. This never ends well as the spirit of a human and soul strives to be truly authentic. It is then we rise in our stature and feel at peace with being lesbian, bisexual, or gay. Once this bridge is crossed it's a joyful ride of self-approval. And that is living our best life without denial or fear of trepidation.

'The baptism of free will is soulfully enchanting and magnetic when you walk the talk of your soul'

In doing so you'll find others charmed by your exalted vibe and wonder what it is you know. Simply put it's getting in touch with your soul the core of you as source creation where the light of the divine resides and illuminates your creative flair Namely the character, talents, and expertise you bring to the table of life. The sooner we entertain our self-love, the less we will feel upset or threatened by humans who denigrate us for being gay. The Pollyanna approach has merit as it's a free-spirited approach to loving your sexuality and embracing it in every part of your life. This is my stance and love for who I am while accepting those who challenge my lesbian ID. It's a game plan of bias when people target a person or group that exudes a contrast compared to the majority. This is the issue with humanity and why it's so hard to create a unified species as we continue to put people in acceptable categories. The cruelty we emit, when we label a person's style of sexuality as a sin in the eyes of God, will have consequences that can evoke people feeling excluded from the entire human race. Similar to a lone wolf who is set adrift from the human pack. This is the hallmark of separatism as we push away what is deemed alien and not of this earth community. In fact, people have distanced themselves from what they do not understand. The gap widens and Mother Earth groans at her citizen's penchant for disowning each other's point of difference. She is wise and knows her domain will never be cohesive until the lesson of her flock is learned. Wars have broken out on her beloved terrain for this very reason and still, the family she cradles in her arms repeats the same pattern as a rejection of unity, The pathway to compassionate peace.


Internal Homophobia

'Instead, we tear each other down and form words like homophobia to speak the language of hatred towards people who prefer same-sex love'

Crimes of hate still plague the lives of our LGBT community but none saddens me more than those gay, bisexual, transgender, and gay folk who turn the hatred inwards. This is an internal conflict felt when the weight of a bigoted world causes a soul to ostracise their true sexual self. A travesty that drives our gay collective to suicide or a desire to be heterosexual. The knock-on effect is disastrous when a lesbian turns on herself with self-loathing as her weapon of denial. She then tears herself apart while devaluing the essence that makes her so beautifully exclusive. The theme continues with limited self-esteem and a need to berate other lesbians for being happily out. Shame consumes the soul who can't live with their lesbian or gay status another by-product of society's whiplash impact on the LGBT scene. Homophobia is by no means a new ethic as history proves. People in power used their clout to apply anti-gay laws and cones of silence prohibiting the mention of homosexuality in schools. The latter and famous statute (Section 28) designed by a British (prime minister) was a contradiction to the legalizing of male same-sex activity years earlier. Ironically in some nations, lesbianism has never been illegal. And that is an indicator of how women were interpreted when some of these earlier laws were made. When we choose to abandon the fact we are lesbian, bisexual, or gay the heart is ripped out of the LGBT collective that holds its ground in a world of limited empathy. Religions have glorified their righteousness and non-admission of God's free will by defiling the right of humans to be lovingly and sincerely gay.

'If we consider the divine as a source of unconditional love then why are psychics, magicians, homosexuals, and people of opposing religions outed by many denominations as unlovable?'

The Bible continually refers to a God of infinite love with phrases like 'Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.' (1 John 4:8). My highway to the divine may be by reincarnation but the measure of love I feel when in love with another woman is pure and chaste. The same applies to all humanity as I think the depth and divinity within us all. Some have lost their way as we invariably do but our creator is unbroken. And always a source of comfort as their love is constant and never wanes. As a lesbian and divine feminine, I walk this life with an open attitude to all people navigating their epic earthly odyssey. I feel blessed to embrace the lesbian I am with no fear of ridicule, a typical interaction among humans who are combative and unyielding. It's not that hard to be kind no matter what a person looks like or the choices they make. If we can empathize with our difference the resemblance will be celebrated as humans stop comparing each other with labels of intolerance. Our home in the stars is destabilizing and it's time to make a change. Perhaps a huge ask but as a lesbian who walks the minority line I believe change is achievable, Our knee-jerk reactions to prejudice, racism, and sexuality bias are programs instilled by parents, groups, and religions. We need to call in our intellect and ask questions like Are we inspiring a cooperative world by hating on people that don't look the same as us? And are we teaching our kids to become haters of homosexuals when they may find they are gay, lesbian, or bisexual?

'We are setting future generations up for a life of pain and self-dislike as the conditioned words of those they look up to can destroy their self-esteem by wearing a mask of heterosexuality when at the core they are homosexual'

The hidden gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender is common as coming out requires alerting friends, family, and workmates to the real you. And that can be a harrowing experience when close connections make a judgment. This is an anxious time for the outed lesbian who was perceived by the public as straight. Stepping into her empowerment to live an authentic life takes a measure of bravery something I have known and others like me. This is the journey of our soul an eternal quintessence and desire to endorse the lesser path of settling. A 3-D theme that keeps humanity stuck in cycles of repetition. The ambiance of narrow-mindedness backed by a God who breathes the message of disdain for my LGB friends keeps this world in a gridlock of distrust. A stalemate that continues to cause conflict and confusion. People feel the need to take sides in a battle of perceiving others who are different. Instead of finding a consensus we continue the path of detachment. A core issue on Planet Earth with consequences of disunity. How hard is it to breach the gap and see the likeness instead of contrast? The truth is we are very much the same and like many animals and plants, humanity has its eccentric evolutionary quirks. Until the torch of acceptance is shone on this sacred earth we will continue to berate those who won't or can't fit in. LBGT legends are the champions of diversity and bringing a conscious light of acceptance to bigoted attitudes. These are long-held beliefs handed down from one generation to the other and a directive of religions. Being gay is for me a privilege as I get to showcase the way and who I love. I am also an empath holding the hand of divinity and all people on earth.

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)

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