in lgbt •  7 years ago 

We can all agree that the following are pretty cringeworthy: white people who hate themselves because of their race, incels, the Junior Anti-Sex League, and transtrenders. However, there is a fine line between just cringey and outright sinister. TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) more than cross that line. You know that one woman in the outskirts of your social circles with a serious case of penis paranoia? Think of her multiplied and swarming random trans people to remind them of their biological sex and you’ve got TERFs.

TERFs go by other names too such as gender-critical and PERF (penis-exclusionary radical feminist). In other words, they’re the pseudo-feminist version of the far-right, outright bigoted relatives you stopped talking to years ago. Like tradcons, they think trans women are men in dresses who want the superficial benefits of being a woman without the struggles that go along with it. Some TERFs think transitioning is linked to a fetish called autogynephilia, but transvestism (crossdressing) and transgenderism are not the same thing.

Identity politics today is by nature divisive and regressive. This is just one example of that. It does not empower people who rise above their circumstances in order to better themselves, but encourages women to think of themselves simultaneously as a superior class and an oppressed one. You know what? Enough jibber-jabber. Let’s look at this hot take.

Text transcribed for convenience:
Predatory is a man in a car following a woman as she walks down the street. “Predatory” is a man grooming an underage girl for weeks or months in order to make her compliant when he molests or rapes her. “Predatory” is a man slipping narcotics into the drink or food of a woman he sees in a bar hoping he can corner her in the bathroom or take her home with him. “Predatory” is a man taking these two lesbians and their children hostage in their own house to slit their throats. That’s what the fuck “predatory” means. A lesbian teasing her so-called bisexual “friend” about dropping men for women is not predatory. A lesbian feminist pointing out that heterosexuality is a choice you can stop making, a choice that has political ramifications, a choice that makes zero fucking sense, is not predatory.

The predators are the men, you fuck. The men you live with and feed and prioritize and breed and allow to leech off of you for life. In exchange for money and status and social validation. And if you think lesbian feminists want you to drop these predators just so you can be available to lesbians romantically, you need to get your mind right and take your ego down 50,000 notches, because no self-respecting lesbian feminist wants to have a partner with a male-identified, male-loving, male-fucking, lesbian-hating bisexual woman instead of with another lesbian.

Now, let’s gender-invert the text just for kicks.

Predatory is a woman in a car following a man as he walks down the street. “Predatory” is a woman grooming an underage boy for weeks or months in order to make him compliant when she molests or rapes him. “Predatory” is a woman slipping narcotics into the drink or food of a man she sees in a bar hoping she can corner him in the bathroom or take him home with her. “Predatory” is a woman taking these two gay men and their children hostage in their own house to slit their throats. That’s what the fuck “predatory” means. A gay man teasing his so-called bisexual “friend” about dropping women for men is not predatory. A gay meninist pointing out that heterosexuality is a choice you can stop making, a choice that has political ramifications, a choice that makes zero fucking sense, is not predatory.

The predators are the women, you fuck. The women you live with and feed and prioritize and breed and allow to leech off of you for life. In exchange for money and status and social validation. And if you think gay meninists want you to drop these predators just so you can be available to gay men romantically, you need to get your mind right and take your ego down 50,000 notches, because no self-respecting gay meninist wants to have a partner with a female-identified, female-loving, female-fucking, gay-hating bisexual man instead of with another gay man.

The way TERFs hate trans men is more laced with saccharine pity for their misguided, oppressed sister and less of the outright vitriol that is usually reserved for trans women. The predatory man in a dress/guy flashing his genitals in a locker room narrative doesn’t even make sense because trans women are very devoted to hiding those parts, removing body hair, and otherwise resembling other women. Not only that, treating women as a collective that needs to be somehow “liberated” from male oppression seems rather insulting and off-putting.

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