Venezuela – Next To Be Targeted by US Military? History has not favored leaders who have done this..

in libertarian •  7 years ago 

A week ago, Venezuela's President Maduro announced that his country will “free itself” from the US Dollar. It’s currency exchange rate has been linked to the Dollar. They have hyper-inflated their currency, the Bolivar, nearly to being worthless. Their official exchange rate for the bolivar is 1 dollar for 3,345 bolivars. While on the black market, 1 dollar will buy as many as 20,000 bolivars. One thousand dollars of bolivars in 2013 when Maduro came to power, would now be worth about $1.20.

Odds are it is just another attempt to blame someone else for their country's problems.

Enter the conspiracy theories:


Venezuela is not the first country to ditch the US Dollar. Over the past few years, many countries have done just that, but most have been attacked or bombed by the US, sometimes only months after announcing their plans.

Here are a couple:

Iraq 2000 Saddam announces to end oil sales in US Dollar- attacked 2003. After the military victory, Iraqi oil was again sold in dollars.

Libya 2009 Gaddafi proposes dropping the dollar in favor of a new gold-backed north-African currency – 2011 US destabilizes Libyan government

Could these wars actually be about forcing the world to keep using the dollar?

Some others that are dumping the dollar, but have not been attacked, are:
Iran 2012
China 2014
Russia 2014
Syria 2013

Do you hear the war drums for these countries?

It is estimated that if the Dollar loses its reserve currency status, and is no longer the primary currency that oil is sold in, that the dollar could lose as much as 40% of its value!

That would have devastating effects on the economy and the strength of the country. I could see this as certainly a reason the federal government would to go to war, to prevent the dollar from being ditched as the worthless paper it is. That's right, I said it. It needed to be said.

World governments are getting out of the dollar. Do you know why?

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It is a sad state of affairs. Unfortunately, there will be the usual R2P (Responsibility to Protect) nonsense in the media about a Venezuelan humanitarian crisis yet to be unfolded.

Oh yea, they could claim that he has chemical weapons and make a move overnight.