When you hear about an arms race, you heard about stuff from history books in the 1960s or 40s
But what is an arms race?
If you develop an armament, like some sort of projectile weapon somebody could inspect the weapon and determined that it fires about 40 meters
After determining the firing velocity and range of the weapon, another weapon can be conceived by competitor that has a slightly longer range like 45 m and stay out of the range of the older model and win a battle by taking 5 meters distance
In arms races, basically a giant marathon of hundreds of governments competing in this activity
One of the most devastating parts of an arms race might not necessarily be to its competitor, because every word nowadays is extremely highly monitored
Some of the consequences of arms races includes keeping everything secrets, so that the perimeters of your weapons cannot easily be identified by anybody to be taken apart and defeated later
Just leave some odd and interesting things happening, and government government doing business without identifying any facet of what they’re doing by getting on TV and lying every single day to everybody
Not identifying whether or not they have weapons or they’re using them on
Giving weapons to people that might not necessarily deserve to have them like homeless people or psychopaths so that they can claim that that’s not really their weapon
Keeping the perimeters of your weapon in an arms race, will keep the weapon itself more sharp
And you’ll end up spending a lot less money, competing with other countries and weapon manufacturers the strategy could imply lying to everybody all day, long and denying everything…