Mistakes can be nice so let's do something nice as you can change things and often for the better. This text is an attempt to increase the desire for mistakes and to illustrate their beauty that can make us achieve good things.
Loss of value due to errors?
When something bad happens to us, such as the breakup of a relationship or the failure of a business project, we often tend to seek the mistake. We consider ourselves faulty, torn and imperfect. In material things, we are used to seeing things as less valuable when they are torn or broken.
But even with ourselves, this is the case. We quickly consider ourselves worthless after mistakes. Instinctively, we ignore the break and cover up the pain, overplay it or distract us from it. Is that clever?
We do not like our mistakes
What if we could shift our perception a bit? What if we could fully appreciate the mistakes and maybe even consider them beautiful? As always easier said than done. So here are a few thoughts for you that will help lessen the fear of mistakes.
There is a wonderful Japanese art form in which artists mend broken ceramics with gold or silver paint. It is called Kintsugi.
When a teacup breaks or tears a vase, Kintsugi reuses the broken pieces. They are painstakingly scrutinized again, highlighting the cracks through the paint instead of hiding them. Brilliant golden tension holds the ceramic together, resulting in a beautiful unique piece that can not be copied. wikipedia
Beauty is the interplay of perfection and error because only mistakes have the ability of perfection to give the uniqueness.
How do we relate kintsugi to people?
Why not treat the broken with a sense of awe rather than erase the pain of a past relationship or hide the flaw of a past project? Why not carefully reconnect the individual pieces of us with a beautiful, captivating gold filling? And why not stand to this art, to this visible reunification and creation? If we did not make mistakes, how could we develop?
The principle of kintsugi goes one step further. It not only accepts mistakes, it values them - they become valuable.
I would like to invite you not only to accept your mistakes. Appreciate it! Because they make us special and give us the life experience that makes us who we are. That beautiful, unique personalities.
With each inner and outer scar, we show which way we came and that all this belongs to us.
("There is a crack in everything, so the light gets in.")
That kintsugi is not only a form of art but also occurs in every human being and I will like to share this little educational story. It contains a very special kind of apology for a mistake.
The Beautiful Heart
One day a young man stood in the middle of the village and announced that he had the most beautiful heart in the valley. A large crowd gathered around him, and everyone admired his heart because it looked perfect. Not a scratch was on it and not the smallest dent. Yes, everyone agreed that this was truly the most beautiful heart they had ever seen.
Heart Puzzle - the most beautiful heart - Michael Tomoff and mistakes The young man was very proud and bragged even louder with his beautiful heart. Suddenly, an old man stepped out of the crowd and said: "Oh well, your heart is not as beautiful as mine!" The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart.
It looks alright, but it was full of scars. Pieces were broken and others inserted, but they did not fit well, and so there were rough edges. In fact, there were even several deep holes where whole parts were missing.
People stared at it. How can he say that his heart was better?
The young man looked at the old man's heart, saw his condition and laughed. "You're kidding," he said. "Compare your heart with mine: mine is perfect and yours is full of holes!"
"Yes," said the old man, "your heart looks perfect, but I would never trade with you. You know, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I took a piece from my heart and gave it to them, and often gave me a piece of their own heart that filled the empty space in mine. But because the pieces are not exactly alike, I have some bumps - which I cherish because they remind me of the love we shared. "
"Sometimes," he continued, "I gave away a piece of my heart and the other person did not give me back a piece of his. These are the gaps. Giving love is always a risk. These gaps hurt, but they remain open, reminding me of the love I have for these people, and I hope that one day they will give me something back and fill the empty space waiting for them." Do you see now?" asked the old man, "in what the beauty of my heart consists?"
The young man stood in silence and tears ran down his cheeks. He went to the old man, then reached for his perfect, beautiful heart and pulled out a part. With trembling hands, he offered it to the old man. The old man took it and put it in his heart, then took a piece of his old, scarred heart and put it in the wound in the young man's heart. It did not fit exactly, so some rough edges remained. The young man looked at his heart, which was no longer perfect, but more beautiful than ever because love flowed from the heart of the old man.
I hope I have been able to make my point clear to you. Mistakes can be a new beginning of great thing when it happens so welcome it and see the bright side.
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