in life •  7 years ago 

Do you know that frozen lemon is a miracle for a great deal of problems ? ıt ıs very effective .


Firstly; l want to mention about its being an antidepressant. If you low resistive person, it gives you power. Good for stress and anxiety disorders.

Secondly; It is an toxicide. You can benefit it for cancer treatment as it reduces cancer risk with slowing down cancer cells.

Third; It is a naturel medicine for inflammation and infection. Cure for parasite at the intestine.

Fourth; you can use it in the kitchen for more delicious food ,cakes, salad. Espicially if you grate its crust in salaf tahts wonderful!

Fifth; While having bath, your skin and hair will be fresh and healthy.

Sixth and the last one, at the same time my favourite one; Cut a lemon ant put one spoon salt in he middle. While sleeping it gives you relaxiation and if you put in room its a really naturel sprey for your home friends.

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Lemon is also good for cleansing our liver.

yes. you are right. There are lots of thing more to say lemon. For example l always clean my kitchen without using chemicals. :)

Wow! Thanks trusted medical source! I'm going to lock my doctor in the closet - he didn't tell me to freeze a lemon!

You should really try it. I always research and use naturel things. And always belive the best doctors of us are ourselves. l am pleased to your liking that :)