The path to loving yourself. To get to know him.

in life •  8 years ago 

Love resonates at a higher frequency as it is. When we live in the frequency of love, all desires, we are happy because it is one of the characteristics of this force. The only task which remains for us, but also the most difficult of all is to continue to show every moment of love, throughout our experience.

When we use the power of love, to realize our place in this world and the space behind it. We come, therefore we know the value, but to appreciate life in General and our neighbor in particular. We feel connected to each other, because to admit the fact that the light within us shines including them.

The power of love helps us to live in a state of gratitude and genuine happiness. When we really realize that we are here for us to continue our spiritual growth, we change the perspective on this man concerned to oblivion land to ensure that the soul is nourished by love. This perspective not only helps us to us to it, but the rest of the world.

Ego is "I", your fake. It blooms when crucial when compared and when filling out of guilt (or when throwing the blame on someone else). The one who makes you feel constantly unhappy and unsatisfied is your ego. He projects his thoughts and feelings accidents over the Universe and over all of those around you. When you make a choice on the level of your ego, you go with "mind the earth", not "mind your spirit", which represent your true self. Note, however: the ego is a bridge between the spiritual essence and the true "I" of the earth. It is absolutely essential that we have an ego, to be able to work in this earthly plan.

Whenever you feel that goal is impossible to achieve, know that this feeling is only an illusion created by your ego. If you disconnect it and you will re-enter " I " your real strength, courage, and love him you will be guided to the destination you want to reach.

The solution: Love yourself

Most importantly, what you can achieve in this physical dimension is to love yourself unconditionally for themselves. You're the only person who can love yourself the way you want them especially as you are the only one that I know all the secrets, shortcomings and weaknesses. It is very easy to take the easy way and you for any errors or failures are yours. It is always easier to see the good in other people than in yourself. Do you think you are the only person that I know who doesn't deserve to be loved by you?

The only one who thinks that they don't deserve to be loved, that ego of yours. The quality of love to others, cannot exceed the one you give yourself. Thus, you do not refuse the other of their love, refusing for you to provide you (with the same intensity). By the way, I assure you that the moment you start to love yourself, for yourself – just like you – and continue to live in this state, your life will begin to change so dramatic. And this time we are dealing with the natural law of attraction "principles such". Thus, if you begin to love yourself truly yourself, the people in your life who don't love sincere, and only pretending, start to disappear one by one next to you, of course. Will no longer stay beside you than those who you truly love and who deserve to enjoy your love. It is a way of the Universe, to tell you the truth.

How can I avoid losing my strength in favor of the other?

Love yourself means to be authentic in the relationship with ourselves. You are not alone, with parents, brothers, lover or your sweetheart, or with other people. Therefore, do not agree to let you live life the way they want; lead your life the way you understand.

Very many people struggling to make their love to those around them, to win their love and affection. As long as you do but this, you tend to feel "below" the people you love. Is the lack of responsibility for their own happiness and the estimate itself can make you feel insecure in relation to the abilities and qualities of yours. You others, all your power, but not to be, not to know about it. Often parents or spouses feel guilt and shame, in order for us to determine so that to do something for them. It infuriates us, but it does not help us anything to our self-control. If we master these feelings, sooner or later we will end up we have to fill grudges against those about whom we say we love.

If you consider yourself constantly in a situation where you feel the need to defend myself to you or your actions, it means that you have big important thoughts of the people around you, connected to you. Think what you are doing to get the approval of others. Happens you sacrifice your own needs and desires? If you compromise your personal power, to feel loved by other people, you should start to pay you the same love that you are willing to give to others. The only way to keep your personal power is to make an independent choice (to use their free will). Among other things, this means that it does not allow more on those around you to make you hate words or by their actions, forcing myself and then act in a certain way (impulsive, not their own). Aware always what you do what you do because I want to, not for other reasons. Be who you are and become aware that everything you do, you are always good enough.

Solution: Insight

There are so many ways to give you personal power. The process often starts with little things that become, but more importantly, becoming emotionally unbalanced behavior.

One of the hardest lessons in life the most insight. When we use every day, insight, our choices become natural. For this purpose, the first thing you need to do is you know. As hamlet says: "to Be honest with yourself... and thus you won't be able to be about in the presence of other people." In other words, if you want to care for others, to start taking care of yourself. When you focus on your own merits, and when you know about your personal power, you can distinguish between love and truth, but a lie all the other people. If you are listening to others with clarity is enhanced, it will be easy to read between the lines, understanding what they want to say they are. Not make choices based on the opinions of others, but also fulfill my being.

Love or fear

Most people don't want to take responsibility for their lives, thus, to live in uncertainty. In fact, life can't live than in one of two ways: in love or in fear. So. No matter what kind of experience you live, this is due to the numerous choices that you made throughout his life, either out of love or out of fear. Question: do you know about the elections that you made on the basis of the consciousness of fear, shortages and insecurity? You have chosen a school or career need for you or your parents (to please them)? In the first case, it means that you were listening and soul that you followed your own desires. Fear is an emotion that is very strong that can break any positive trend that we want.

Out of fear, many people, as a rule, agents and critics, instead of trying to be productive and full of love. We love to judge others, because we want more control over our own lives, or we build a wall of energy around to keep at a distance. Thus the unconscious, we are trying to protect themselves from injury, especially if I was already injured in the past. All souls pass through a certain wound along one of life on earth. Apparently, these wounds represent a vital lesson for understanding the power of our soul.

If we want to get rid of the negative energy of fear, we must discover why we are afraid. The energy of fear can assume many masks. It can take the form of anger, hatred, excessive, undeserved criticism, shame and guilt, which leads to the physical evaluation and the failure to develop self-esteem. Life fear blocks the natural flow of vital energy and leads to injury, emotional, mental and physical.

Consider yourself just as you do with a friend, very expensive. If a friend would you say about a mistake made at work, not likely you say, "How could you be so stupid?", and you're right to recall his many qualities: "the next Time you'll manage better." You provide, so it is a man, valuable, and worthy to be loved and precious, not only for you but for other people. Why not do the same with yourself?

If you want to integrate love into all aspects of your life, it is important that you how to think, focusing more on clarity, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion. Be honest with yourself. Become aware of your thoughts and your feelings. At the same time, you will no longer judge themselves. Even if you are sometimes scary, critic or upset, you don't have to fight with yourself and you can't make the situation worse, feeling guilty because you can't have a more positive attitude. Free yourself from any inner conflict and are aware of the fact that there's a reason for everything that happens to you, even if at the moment the situation seems to be extremely unpleasant.

If you attacked the way that leads to a higher level of consciousness, is very useful to grow in the company of some people who think the same as you, wanting to live your authentic life, enjoy the love and gratitude and raise the vibration frequency of this planet.

Let your heart open, and to recognize, remember and use the divine power of love. When the love you fill your life, neither you nor other people in your life, you will not have!

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