Serial Killers, some scary similarities - by @thedogekid

in life •  7 years ago 

Serial killers seem to have some things in common...

Where I live there seems to be a dramatic uptick in serial killers.

Whether they are officially classified as killing sprees or serial killers, the result is the same.

A lot of lives are lost at the hands of one person.

The more I have been reading about these things and learning about their upbringings there are some similarities I am noticing...

Some things I noticed:

Serial killers often are obsessed with fire...

This one wasn't one that killers in my area necessarily had, but I have read that is one of the hallmark signs.

It has something to do with being in control of something so powerful.

If you can control fire you can inflict lots of damage.

Another similarity I noticed had to do with upbringing...

IE, they had terrible upbringings.

Mom and/or dad were out of the picture at an early age.

They often come from broken homes and often experience terrible abuses at early ages.

Along with broken homes, there seems to be bed wetting issues.

In several of the backgrounds I read, they had issues with wetting the bed all the way up until almost their teenage years.

This likely was just a symptom of the abuses experienced early on in life.

Another hallmark sign seemed to be cruelty to animals...

There is no sense of remorse or sympathy for creatures.

Only a need to overpower and control things.

In conclusion, if you come across someone that is obsessed with fire, hurts small animals, has a terrible upbringing, and wets the bed... it may be best to steer clear.

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I have no tolerance for animal abusers

Hay man it's a wonderful post.