I write these words in tribute to Marcus Aurelius.
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
I learned about Marek Aureliusz for the first time in secondary school history in which I studied. He was listed as one of the emperors of the Roman Empire. The one who led many wars in defense of the order of the Roman State.
I got to know more details about this man during my studies during the study of Roman law, as well as the History of Political and Legal Doctrines.
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
In the textbooks, I learned that he was a great strategist and a great statesman and that he was sympathetic to the idea of the soy philosophy.
I was not able to find out what kind of man was Marcus Aurelius. Only reading "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius showed his true interior, the motives that led him, what motivated him and what he believed in.
This reading is literally Mark's own notes from his time, translated into many languages.
Even the first page of the notes caused me a deep surprise and prompted me to ask myself questions.
How could a man who lived 2,000 years ago achieve such a level of understanding of the world?
Do not these years of evolution lead to a situation in which every man on earth who is vaccinated would have at least some of this wisdom? Why?
"I owe my great-grandfather that I did not go to public school, but I had good teachers at home; I also owe him to acquire the conviction that one should not regret it "
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
These are the first words I agreed with. Although I attended public schools myself, although the Romanian system of education was different from what we have today, however for some reason Marek Aureliusz was not a supporter of it, as I am not a fan of the current educated on the basis of the Prussian system. But this is a topic for a separate entry.
Anyway, it was perfectly presented in Radosław Kotarski's book "Hack into the brain".
He is a polish YouTuber and publicist. In his book, he touched on many of the problems of modern education.
In short, the model in which you learn for pleasure, for a specific purpose and with sense, arises if you manage to come to it much later than it should, and certainly not at school, at least for most people. This is how it looks for most of the people. For many never. What picture we have looking on a statistic data when about 75% or more people who work, hate their jobs.
(img: http://nauczanieblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/pruski-system-edukacji-1.html)
Currently, the decisions of officials from the Prussian partition impose an artificial system of assigning people to classes, mixing people with totally different interests and skills. There is also no transfer of methods of proper teaching. As Kotarski perfectly described, we learn at the individual stages several times the same, while in adult life much of this learning simply evaporates irretrievably. So what is the sense? As I mentioned this topic on a separate entry.
"Thanks to my educators, I have not become a Green or a Blue person, nor a supporter of Round or Long. He taught me perseverance in hardships and settled on a small one, putting my hand to work and not dealing with too many matters at once. He has instilled in my aversion to all deceit. "
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
The first sentence is the answer to the question why Marek Aureliusz was such a good politician. His views were shaped by science. Emotions did not play that role. His political thoughts were shaped by hard principles based on pure logic. His teacher gave him great value: There are no better or worse. No ideology, no conservatism can be right. Within such a diverse range of ideas in the world, it is not possible to speak strictly on one side. It is necessary to have rules, but the extremes in the views are wrong.
The second sentence indicates what shaped the character of Marek. Hard work and indifference to responsibility, which is now so comprehensively visible. People who have a huge grudge against others for failing in their lives. It is the reluctance to work, the reluctance to take responsibility that leads to such a state. How difficult it is to look in the mirror and say it. "I'm responsible for my life."
- To be on the small side - the reverse of our current commercial and advertising model,
George Fooshee stated in his book "People buy things they do not need, for money they do not have to impress people they do not like"
As you can see, the Roman social model, especially among the patricians, was based just as it is today on fame and wealth. Human nature, as you can see, does not evolve too quickly.
What an unequivocal Roman saw the defectiveness of this way of life and voluntarily resigned from it ...