Women Are Drinking Harder Than Ever, Is Feminism To Blame?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Women Are Drinking Harder Than Ever, Is Feminism To Blame?

Women are drinking harder than ever. A new study shows that women are drinking harder and at an even greater prevalence than men. Researchers now note that Millennial women consume as much alcohol as their male counterparts, and because men are larger and have a special enzyme that allows them to digest alcohol faster than women, women are getting even more drunk than the men that they are either matching or out drinking.

What Does Feminism Have To Do With Any Of this?
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You’re probably thinking that this is an article positioned against feminism by now, however it is simply illustrating an interesting correlation between the women’s liberation, the increase in women’s rights and a charted decrease in their happiness as their rights and economic equality has increased. The Guardian reports that women’s happiness in the U.S. has declined ever since the women’s liberation in the 1970’s.

The Guardian concludes that because women are working longer hours, they also feel more exhausted when they get home and have to deal with the greater magnitude of chores that are typically still left to the woman such as cooking and cleaning. Sadly, this argument doesn’t hold up, as the study measured the unhappiness of a wide range of women that included both married women and single women. Single women and married women both reported similar decreases in the amount of unhappiness that has occurred in their lives since the woman’s liberation in the 1970’s. This strongly suggest that women doing more domestic chores than men is not the reason behind their unhappiness, rather it is the changing job roles that they have received.

Women Create Comfort And Nurture
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Here’s my theory, so just hear me out for a moment. Women create comfort and are natural nurturers. These are things that women excel at greatly. Women also value free time more than men do. This can be seen by the higher number of vacation hours that women take off than men in the workplace, or their choice to receive lower salaries at company’s like Google, in exchange for more time off from work. Evidence suggest that many women are not happy in their roles as Scientist, Doctors, And Astronauts, furthermore we need to acknowledge that the average woman will likely never achieve any of those things, just like the average man, and will end up doing some kind of menial labor.

Feminism Lied To Women
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Feminism told women that they could have it all however it really stripped them of many freedoms. Historically men made more which allowed them to support a family on their wages despite the introduction of the computer in the 1970’s, furthermore women entering the workforce created a surplus of labor which also pushed wages down. Both women and men began working for less money than men did in previous generations. An interesting statistic is that in most western countries, women typically retire earlier than men, even though they have longer life spans. Many women today, will not have the option to retire ever. Forbes Magazine recently released an Ad telling millennials, that they should save for sabbaticals instead of retirement as they would need to work until almost the end of their lives, and when they were more or less certain that they would die soon, they could enter into a very short retirement.

What do you think? Is Feminism to blame for women drinking more and generally being more miserable than ever before in modern history? Let me know in the comments and we’ll talk about it!

And Cheers!


Citations -

Gains in women’s rights haven’t made women happier. Why is that?

More older women are drinking hard

Leaning Out: Why Do Women Retire Earlier Than Men?

Retirement: It’s Not As Simple As It Used To Be

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You going to be making money AM.

Thanks bro

If it's any help, I'm in the middle of writing a series of posts to help women understand why Feminism is ruining their lives... and their men. Have a look xxx

A girl who drinks is the biggest turn off.... not to mention the chance of them being hoes is even more likely if they drink.... but ya they probably drinking their issues away...