An awful accident nearly costed me my vision - God was by my side once again. @annadeda

in life •  6 years ago 


Hello to all my friends of Steemit.

Last week was the oddest week of my life. Is a week started heavenly, as my aunt (my mother's sister) and sweet cousin arrived from Italy to visit me and my family. We spent a day in house in Athens and the next day we went to my seaside cottage in Loutraki. The same evening we went out for a drink. As I was a bit cold with flu I ordered a hot mint tea with ginger. We were laughing and talking together when the waiter arrived behind me with the hot tea. As I didn't see him I got scared and hit the pot of tea he had in his hands and the hot tea got all in my face. To make a long story short, I had a second degree burn on my face. We got out of the bar and my sister drove me like crazy in the nearest hospital. The doctor today said that I had a second degree burn and that I had spent the whole week at home cleaning up my wounds and putting the medicine every 2 hours. I was really lucky she said because the hot tea didn't get in my eye. I was so thankful to God that protected me at that moment, that the next day I sent my sister at the nearest church to give a thankful prayer to God for me, because I wasn't allowed to go out by doctor's orders. After 3 days of putting medicine and staying at home my burn was much better and so we decided to go for a walk because the weather was very good. I was so sad that this happened the days my cousin and my aunt we're here in Greece for me, as I couldn't get them out to visit many places because of my condition. He was so grateful that my eyes were safe they stayed at home without complaining and showed me so much love. Today I started my training routine again after so many days of staying at home. My coat and my friends we are so happy to see me safe and sound and they said again and again that I was really lucky do not have destroyed my eyes.

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Περαστικά Άννα και συγνώμη που δεν αξιώθηκα να σας επισκεφτώ.

Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ @liondani και ξέρω πως έχω την προσευχή σας.
Σίγουρα ήταν πολύ σημαντικό και ενδιαφέρον το σεμινάριο, απ'οσα μπόρεσα να καταλάβω από τα ποστ σας. Τα υπόλοιπα θα τα πούμε από κοντά το Σαββατοκυριακο στο όμορφο Λουτράκι. Χαιρετισμούς και την αγάπη μου σε όλους.

Χριστέ μου! Περαστικα κορίτσι μου!

Αγαπούλα μου σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ. Είμαι ήδη πολύ καλύτερα....... με συγκινείς πάντα με την αγάπη σου.

Αννουλα μου Περαστικά!!

Oof. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Αχ Αννούλα περαστικα ... Ελπίζω να μην σε πονάει πάρα πάρα πολύ....

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ όλους για τα μηνύματά σας γεμάτα αγάπη @kerkyra @nikosnitza @ martaedyta @mr-phoenix @nikoleondas @filotasriza @greek-trail @giosou @knowhow92 @chetanshetty @cat-isa @jmjury . Είμαι πολύ συγκινημένη και ευγνώμων σε όλους εσάς. Ο Θεός να σας έχει καλά.

Thank you very much to all of you for your messages full of love. I am very grateful to you my friends of Steemit. God bless you all.

Περαστικά Αννούλα.


fast recovery

Περαστικά Άννα και γρήγορα!

Περαστικά Άννα. Τυχερή στην ατυχία σου που λένε.. Καλή δύναμη!

take care 👍🙏 and a speedy recovery

Have a fast recovery my friend.
I can imagine the pain.
Wish you the best and keep training hard.


Posted using Partiko Android

Περαστικά και ευχές για ταχεία ανάρρωση !!!

πω πωω περαστικα!!