A large percentage of the population has a problem with chronic pain and discomfort. When I used to suffer from chronic pain, I would always try to be as comfortable as possible. I would go to the doctor's and get pain killers. They would work for a while but my body would soon develop an addiction to the medications.
My first reaction was to take more medication. I felt good but this was only a temporary solution. Eventually I would start to take fewer but larger amounts of medications. I was still suffering. Then I discovered massage therapy and realized that I didn't have to suffer any longer.
Massage is great because it reduces your stress and body pain. It works by increasing blood circulation. Blood vessels are opened up, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to your cells. As a result, your cells become nourished, thus improving them, and they heal themselves more quickly.
Massage also works by releasing muscle tension. Tension can cause pains and aches. It also constricts the flow of energy through the body. It decreases blood flow to the joints, which causes pain. As a result, you feel more uncomfortable than you did before. By releasing the tension in your muscles, you allow more blood to flow freely so you can begin to heal.
Massage does not just give you relief from discomfort. It improves your health, muscle tone, reduces stress, and increases your overall well-being. You will be more alert and aware, and thus able to properly take care of yourself. Your body will no longer have to fight with the discomfort. It learns to relax more easily, therefore reducing your fatigue. You will begin to bounce back from the daily grind faster.
If you try to be comfortable with discomfort, there is a good chance that you will get sick less often. It is very easy for sickness to be transferred from one person to another. Discomfort on your body sends signals to your immune system that something is wrong. Your body then has to work overtime to fight off the sickness instead of working at removing the discomfort. If you are not comfortable, this makes it easier for your body to succumb to other illnesses.
If you are not comfortable with any aspect of your life, how can you expect others around you to be? They cannot either! The discomfort you have will make them more irritable and less willing to put their entire heart into helping you. When you are miserable, you will alienate everyone around you. You will create more enemies in your own household.
The bottom line here is, it all comes down to choice. Do you want to let others decide how you feel? Or do you want to be happy and comfortable? It's your choice. Just keep trying to live your life to the best of your ability without making others feel bad about it. This way you will always have the greatest number of people who love and support you.
There is no such thing as happiness just because you are comfortable in a certain situation. Happiness is when you find ways to be happy. Be content where you are and stop looking for the perfect life. Be happy where you are at the moment and not worry about anything else.
When you are trying to be comfortable with discomfort, try to make yourself aware of everything around you. This way you can decide how you are going to react to every little thing. For example, if there are people in your office or building who you do not like, try to be nice to them. Make them feel welcome even if you are uncomfortable around them. When you are being nice to people, you will get much more done.
Try to be as agreeable as possible to people who are not pleasant to you. When you have trouble with a person, avoid getting into an argument. This will only cause the person to be upset and make things worse. Instead, talk to them calmly and try to work out any problem that they may be having. Do not argue with them on the first meeting; rather, listen to what they have to say. If you do not know anything about the topic, ask them to explain it to you.
Remember that people like to be comfortable too. When you are trying to be comfortable with discomfort, do not force anything on them. Try to be polite even if you are uncomfortable with the situation. People like people who are polite, and they will like you more as well if you are kind enough to be polite back.