Ritual to bring someone back to life

in life •  7 years ago 

Today I'll try to explain a myth from Bangladesh. I read a story about this and from that time it really made me curious. Generally it came from Calcutta and southwestern part of Bangladesh. Native people call it 'Nishir Daak'. in English, we can call this 'The Call of Night'. This is a ritual where rich people when terribly ill, give a lot of money to the local priest to arrange a deadly ritual to save themselves. We know that nothing is impossible but we should always keep in mind that nothing comes for free. To save a man by this ritual, a healthy man must be sacrificed.

Things needed:

  1. a green coconut
  2. a black towel
  3. full moon at sky
    4.a priest.

in this ritual a priest needs to fast for 7 days. he can eat nothing but dead fetuses. as collecting them to eat is hard so most of the time the priests fast for 7 days by only drinking water. When time comes he starts his journey to another village carrying a bag where there's a black towel and a green coconut. After reaching another village he waits for midnight. after midnight he cut the coconut and by holding it with his left hand, he starts calling the names of people living in the houses nearby. He calls by each name for two times. Whenever a person replies him,his soul gets stolen and the priest covers the coconut with that dark cloth so that the soul can't escape from the coconut shell. The priest keeps calling till the sun rises and tries to collect as many souls as possible. After the sun rise he comes back to that ill person and gives away the coconut water to him to drink. After drinking the water that ill person will start to get well day by day and the condition of the victims will get worse day by day. And later one day when the victims die that ill person will also be recovered fully.

  • This might be the reason why people in village do not reply to a call until they heard it for at least three times. Next time in a full moon night stay alert or you might be the next victim. Still, it's not so bad. Giving away your own life for someone else's is a noble act. 994071_224455264392668_487398476_n.jpg
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I've heard stories similar to this. When you aren't suppose to follow voices coming from nowhere or answer them. It's very interesting Bangladesh also has such a legend.
I actually heard a voice calling my name one time when I was in a cemetery but nobody around me heard it.
Though for this story it's not a ritual to bring someone "back to life" because the person who has paid isn't dead, just extremely sick and close to death.

Yes, you are right. But it's like bringing someone dead back to life. When there's no hope these "Aghoris" try their last.
I have some close and personal experience with these type of voices. Someday I'll share those stories also. You can follow me if you want to hear my stories.