Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.-STEVE JOBS
A sincere dream and a heart that believes in that dream make miracle happen. This may be a philosophical saying but this is what we require in our lives which we fail to understand in our early life. Our heart is our truest friend. It knows what you want. Take a breathe. Have some ME time and allow your heart to whisper in your ears what it wants to do. The day you start following is the day you start living. Miracles do happen just believe in it. Have patience and let the success make noise. Just give a try. Have that attitude to follow your heart and the other things will happen automatically. For some following your heart would be easy and for some it would be a tough nut to crack. So what!!!! The destination is your dream, the dream your heart nurtures.
“ This all is possible with a positive approach and a heart that believes in it. BELIEVE.. WORK… ACHIEVE.. PARTY … And let your heart dream again. Make it your life. Make this your habit. Happiness and satisfaction will follow you. You will start enjoying the journey called LIFE.. “
They said it is impossible, you can’t do, you will fail, and the list grows on….PROVE THEM WRONG.
All the power of universe is with you when you are on the verge of pursuing what your heart wants. The heavenly bodies are always with us throughout the journey as god wants us to do what our heart wants. God will give you guidance. JUST HAVE FAITH AND KEEP ON GOING. After all its up to you whether to follow or not. TRY TRY TRY…
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