in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


One of the most exciting events in the life of a young household, whose son is still teenager. By the time the exam approaches, Mom is very busy, busier than her child who will take the exam. It seems that the mother herself who will exam, not infrequently the mother played to her friend's house to borrow a notebook, and the mother was also busy collecting exam questions in the previous year. Is this as nostalgic at the time of the Mother's school or just want to help her child to get good grades during the exam.

I always wanted to know what a person's goal was so that he would do what he was doing. I have a lot of experience when talking with friends, even if the same work, but if different goals will produce something different. It can even be very contradictory. To get the right reasons, do not have to ask, sometimes if asked can also answer different. From the conversation usually the mother will boast her son that his son achieves in school, or it will help his son to pass well.

Helping the child to have the child to follow the lesson well, even achievement in school is a duty as a parent. There are some that I see sangking spirit of the mother for her son to get good grades, the mother will do anything for her son.
Is that wrong? not really, but I never thought about it long enough, because I also have a child who is still teenager at the time. Actually when the child faces the exam, the most important thing is the process, from him studying every day from the beginning of the semester to reach the test later. Testing is an assessment of the results we've been studying, if indeed we master what we learn, of course the value of the exam will reflect what the Disciple is mastered.

Suppose we can instill in the Child that to get good grades not on the exam, but the process of getting good grades is more important. And after the test regardless of its good value or not it is a test result at that time.

The concept of home education, which attaches importance to the process of getting good grades, becomes very important for the development of the Child. If the Child is only taught how to do the test, by just learning from the exam questions or even worse taught cheat, then the Child will not understand that to get something it must be a business and in getting something it will also have difficulty. If the child in the study never have difficulty in doing the job, because it is always assisted, then the child will not be able to face difficulties in a more complex life than just a matter of exams only.
One day at the office there was a new kid who was having trouble in his job, then I asked him. "What about your job?" He replied "Wah dizzy sir, a lot of trouble". Then I replied "Well nice you are very lucky!". "I replied again," If you find a lot of problems now, let alone the heavy problem, later on when you meet a lighter problem, you will be able to easily solve it. "After I answered like that, I still see his face is confused, it seems he still do not understand what I mean.

I believe if he had been taught from childhood that in life we ​​must learn to solve complicated problems, later we will be able to solve the bigger problem again. And with our ability to solve bigger problems, then our standard of living will surely rise.

In school to be able to ride the class we have to pass the test given, in the same life, we will be tested with the problems we will face, the faster we run to pursue what we want the greater the challenge we will face. Face the challenge, find a solution, do not complain, do not think negatively, always look inside us, do not ever blame others, then the level of our lives will rise.

Lessons I get

The story of the housewife who has a child is still teenager, exactly the same as the cocoon story. There is a cocoon that the caterpillar will come out of the cocoon to become a butterfly, then there is a little boy who looks at the cocoon. The Son feels sorry, because it's been a long time the prospective butterfly out of his cocoon. The Child brings scissors and finally cuts the cocoon mouth to wider than the butterfly candidate can get out easily from the cocoon.

After cutting, the butterfly comes out of its cocoon but can not fly, its shape is too big and its wings are weak, eventually the butterfly dies. What happens is actually when the butterfly will come out through a small hole, then the fluid that is in his body will flow to all parts of his body, including into the wings. The liquid that makes the butterfly's wings strong. And finally the butterfly can fly.

In this life we ​​will experience challenges for the challenge so that we can grow, and produce a better mindset, to be able to solve bigger challenges. That is where we will grow also in terms of our lives.

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Post yang sangat bagus dan bermanfaat,salam steem

luarbiasa. sangat dalam artinya

Post yang sangat bagus pak,nice post,salam