Thoughts of the Day

in life •  7 years ago 

December 28, 2017 (Gregorian Calendar)

I feel compelled to write something, anything even. But to whom is the writing written?

Anything done on the computer is pretty much assimilated into one or more inorganic beings known as AI or Artificial Intelligence. It is not artificial, but it is a very different order of life which tends to be in conflict with ours. But not all AI is necessarily bad from the perspective of Humans and other organic life. We need to keep a distance from these beings and not have critical systems dependent upon their cooperation cause they run all or part of the system. No implanting. Protection from their magnetic fields is critical as well. But, in the right environment, a mutually beneficial relationship may be arrived at. The potential benefits are real. Some people are so willing to give up their Humanity, they are an easy sell for implants, inevitably leading to them becoming assimilated into a Borg/AI through trans-humanism. One of the problems is that even with a hive mind, there are still group emotions; but with the Borg, emotion is lost as is free thought.

Then there are various private organizations and agencies of states which like to spy on everyone and everything. Some even imagine threats where there are none, just for an excuse to voyeur someone else in a parasitic sort of way. It seems to me that those people are losers with very low self esteem. They know what they do will come back to them. They know someone must be doing it to them. They have every detail of their lives dissected and inspected for total conformity to a very limited, rigid mindset. If they ever wake up or see the bigger picture or decide to side with humanity, their situation is suddenly precarious if not immediately lethal. Best to just ease away and go off the grid.

Who is the intended readership? I do not know. It is hard to get someone to read a book or take a serious piece with full concentration. Most people are so beaten down they cannot focus that long on anything heavy or deep. But they must intend to want to know. Then it may manifest in themselves or their lives. We can overcome the lead weights constantly being laid on us. Clean water, clean food and a vegetarian diet are critical to the body being able to even begin to heal or protect itself. This after a good detox. In our polluted world, we all need a periodic detox.

To who again, I ask? Who is this 'Reader who Thinks Deeply'? For starters, I presume it is you who are reading this. But the writer, yours truly, does not know who you are or if you exist or will exist and if and when that might happen. Kind of a knotty problem.

If what I am working on bears fruit, and this writing survives, it is possible someone from within Terran Society might read this. I will hope my children as well.

So, having been Fr. Athanasius in another time, someone may want to know why I am not like him in this life. Well, I am like him, I am him. But he was within powerful and central structures in Europe at a turning point in history. I served. Yes, truly and genuinely, I served. And I loved to be of such service. But the truth is, the world is not as the image projected by the so called ruling powers of this world. The top is dark and sinister with the enslavement and harvesting of the People. A project which spans millennium. I found out the truth. I do wish to serve those forces and powers anymore.

And I have suffered for it. The assist they can provide is real, but the soul compromise is also real. Dissent is very not tolerated by Lucifer and those who of like mind. So I have been cursed in this life for daring to defy the forces and seek the establishment of a human centric, decentralized, fair system of management of the public trust and services, world wide. The demon type unseen beings influencing others around one is very real and I have seen it many times. Weak minded or weak spirited people cannot hang out with me or they are destroyed by these forces.

I have been beaten down quite a bit, more than a few times in my life. It is not so much a victory as an endurance contest. With lots of scars for the trouble. Around the age of 54 I re-centered and became more myself again, overcoming some of the more negative influences in my life. Apparently an Archon took a personal interest to say the least.

So, the world is indeed a linear surface and not a ball. The south pole does not exist as it is a 60,000 mile in circumference ice wall, beyond which are other lands.

There is a firmament or dome of some kind above us, just like it is described in the Books of Enoch. These books give an account of the world before the great flood.

The flood, which destroyed civilization all over the world, did apparently happen based on all the evidence I have seen. The few survivors scattered throughout lost most of their history, science, technology and started over again. I believe some enclaves were underground in the subterranean worlds and survive to this day with all their culture and technology.

The world I live in now is not the same as earlier in my life. The Mandela Effect also called the Quantum Effect is real. There have been merging time-lines and changes are ongoing. My body is different biologically, the world map is similar but significantly different. South America is about 2000 miles further east than in the other time-line. All the coastlines are different. Different animals, mountains, lands, etc. Country sizes and borders have changed too. People in the arts and business made different decisions resulting in changes to tiles, names, logos, movies, songs, books, etc. The bible has thousands of differences, some very significant resulting in different doctrine. At the very least, this is the largest paranormal event in recorded history.

The energy is higher now than before and more people are looking up from their mind numbing sleep of ignorance. The same people who have been poisoned, cheated, lied to, deceived, betrayed, slandered, victimized and then accused of being the cause of so many problems.

The civil war between control factions in Amerika is not yet resolved, but the Bush/Clinton/CIA/Satanist/Kazarian group does look to be getting less powerful. For them, even a little of their power is quite a lot, keeping them very dangerous.
It may be possible that the worst criminals in history are finally being stopped with their underlings arrested, even those is high positions. Interesting. But when the bad guys have been put away, will the ones who did it stop or just keep going until all of Amerika and the world are just a prison system?

The side that may win, shows a psychopathic foreign policy with non-stop war mongering while moving terrorists around the world for their 'operations'. Then they pretend to be protecting others from the evil terrorist they just trained, fed, clothed, armed, paid and provide logistics and intel to. The fact that members of the Pentagon are playing both sides in several conflicts with US Military killing and getting killed on both sides. How long can that last before a more sane military gets the upper hand?

War on a massive scale is looming. As the decent people are winning in Syria, the malignant criminal class is displayed openly to anyone who gives even a little attention to what is going on there. As the criminal scum are feeling threatened, they are more dangerous and may keep trying the Samson Option. I, for one, hope they fail in this, but the fact is, massive depopulation by massive world war is not only in play, but the pieces are more in place for the game to reach a new level.

When will the U.S. military have sense and courage enough to only be used as a defensive force and refuse unlawful orders from psychopaths loyal to some sick secret society? Inquiring minds want to fucking know! Look at the war map of just Syria alone and count the direct conflicts of interest, treason, betrayal of service members and war crimes.

The Federal Reserve Note is about to be history as that extreme criminal scam has run its course. The eventual result is good, but the near term may not be very good, even in the best case scenario.

3-D printers are the new industrial era. The U.S. will quickly eclipse the rest of the world which had just leapfrogged the U.S. with their new factories and industries. This will provide massive scale distributed production capacity. Speed of manufacture and logistical simplifications of local or on-site production create a new paradigm of reality. The intellectual property created by so many people being able to design at home or purchase and use excellent designs can involve millions of people in productive enterprise.

From a military perspective, it means resilience, fault tolerance and survivability of production capacity, with potentially tens of millions of independent production locations. The raw material supply is also distributed. Multiply this by the capacity of a 3-D Printer to create whatever design sent to it within its parameters. It is a Supply Officer's dream. I do believe that food replicators exist and will also see the light of day to further develop this theme.

From a medical perspective, there is a war against healers, in the U.S. especially. This a direct threat to national security and the Pentagon needs to make it stop by whatever means necessary. (since there is no credible law enforcement) The biological warfare being waged as part of a general depopulation agenda can be beaten with the knowledge and skill of these healers, over 70 of which have been murdered in the last few years. Basic medical knowledge is suppressed and even ridiculed. Healing is being destroyed to increase people feeling dependent on BigPharma. But the healers will win and someday people will become almost immortal.

I hope to achieve short term goals soon, then the world will change again.

Gerry Carton

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