Her OOTD (Make her More Beautiful)

in life •  6 years ago 

The other day, my baby and her lola attended a birthday party. I am the one who dressed her up, i didn't come with her because i was not feeling good.


I really like seeing her wearing a beautiful dress and all that. It makes me happy. Specially when she see herself in the mirror looking so pretty.


She's only 17 months and she looks so big now. She already know a lot of things. Kids grew up so fast that we didn't even notice. huhuhu


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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

So beautiful your daughter is! She looks like a pretty little lady.(especially on that dress). Hate to agree that kids grow up so fast before you know it, malaki na sila. My daughter is 13 months old now and most times I can't help but wander, "where did all the months go?"

I know. They grow up so fast.