What did we just see on the web? A totally serious study about the number of children you need to have to be a happy family. We took a closer look at it and we want to propose our interpretation of why and how.
Two girls:
If you are a girl and you have a sister, then your family is the happiest in the world. Both sisters have less headaches, are more self-managing, and support each other through thick and thin. 2 sisters = perfect combination.A girl and a boy:
If it's a big sister, she will protect her little brother. If it's a big brother, he'll piss off his little sister all the time. For the parents, this remains undisguised happiness.Two boys:
In fact, you clearly need to have two kids to not suffer too much. Even if it is 3rd of this top, the two boys are still the worst combination of duos. Of course, when you have an older brother who is always giving you a hard time, it's a bit annoying.Three girls:
We pass in the category of the trio and it is the 3 girls who are the most pleasant to live. Parents have less difficulties managing 3 girls than if there were one or more boys. So I don't understand, as a guy, I only poop next door once a week.Three boys:
Personally, I have an older brother and a younger brother and we're doing just fine. Well, except for the big one who does tuning and the little one who eats his own feces, I don't do too badly.Four boys:
Honestly, with four boys you can do a lot of things. You can build a house, do the dishes, and help you with your taxes. Four boys mean that you can combine the love of your children with usefulness.Two girls and a boy:
Apparently, it's better to have two girls and a boy than two boys and a girl. It's like having the perfect combination of two girls but having a boy come along and put his boogers in your mouth.Two boys and a girl:
Ouch, there one starts to touch the bottom with the nose. The worst is when the girl is the youngest. She grows up with two big brothers, most of the time completely cradled, and it ends up nibbling the back seat of the car by passion.Three boys and a girl:
I know a family like that, they blew up. But like literally exploded.Three girls and a boy:
Often in this kind of combination, it's the youngest that's perfect while the others are wobbly. And it's either the youngest or the boy who screws up.Two boys and two girls:
This is like the 2 girls + 1 boy. The two girls keep the family happy, but the two boys poop on your pillow. And since unfortunately, the masculine outweighs the feminine, this combination is at the bottom of the table.Four girls
According to the study, this is the worst possible combination. With 4 girls, the kids do anything, daily life becomes hell and it ends up with at least 4 fights a day on average.
Anyone who loves his or her sibling has to share this top.