Angry people are the best meditators. Own it.

in life •  7 years ago 

Sometimes the angriest people are the best meditators.

20161013_061605.jpg Serenity Now.

The first time I noticed this was when my MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) trainer lost his temper. He later said it was on purpose to let us know we shouldn't talk before class. I confess, nonjudging went right out the window in that moment.

I did see myself in this moment. I also have a short fuse, and have been meditating in some form most of my life. There have been others, those who seek meditation to avoid the truth staring them in the face. Their temper will come out if you try to draw back the curtain. Not that it’s your place to do so. As I’ve learned. The hard way.

This is by no means a universal truth, and let's be honest, if someone, say me, has a temper, wouldn't you rather I learn to meditate? Imagine the shitshow if I didn’t.

At the time, my then- new Buddhist therapist talked to me about my "true self." After my first all day silent retreat, I got really angry at everyone on the train. My therapist called my true self a bitch. Not gonna lie, I'm a little proud. I'm owning it.

Somehow, I'm also told I have a calming presence. Even my psychiatrist says I calm her down when I enter her office. I'm proud of this too.

Be yourself, own it, but try not to be a dick about it.

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