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This is so true! Don't try to compliment anyone because they might call the cops!

sigh, yep

The weirdest thing is doing something nice for someone and getting I have a boyfriend etc as a reply.

I have had at least 6 females over the last few years be super mean to me, lie about etc just because I helped them and they expected me to date them, and I really was just being nice.

It is a lot of why I just keep to myself now,

I can't beat six;) but I've had much the same experience with 2 guys. I'm friendly with everyone, male, female or hermaphrodite, but some insist on misreading the signals.

In some cases there actually are no signals, it is just the desires of the other person I have found.

I am a nice person..... but even if you read the comments here in the thread - esp. the ones with our friend @hashcash just now, you will really see what I mean.

i know. so bad

Sadly, this is right.

See my other replies if you like.

This is becoming increasingly common. After a few of these incidents I had to learn a lesson that was only a little humiliating but nonetheless harsh.
It just sometimes takes you completely by surprise when your intentions are misinterpreted wrongly. When this misinterpretation is too far of the mark then at that particular moment it is confusing but later it is just disappointing.

I have had at least 6 females over the last few years be super mean to me, lie about etc just because I helped them and they expected me to date them, and I really was just being nice.

It is a lot of why I just keep to myself now,

This kind of thing hardens you up from inside. I mean it's good to have a thick skin but if it keeps happening then you become hard on the inside. Not so sure if that's a good thing.
I know a few good guys, real genuine gentlemen. These guys could shrug this off and keep walking their walk. As for me, I can't do it.
So I too just mind my own business now. Seems like the only reasonable option.

Nailed it.

You read some of my stuff.

Read my Thoreau series I usually do about mid week, I literally address some of what you JUST said in there, in each post in the series. Right from week #1 buddy.

Enough years of it, enough times / year, and it changes you. And people don't care.

Just went back to your blog and took a look. I'll be keeping an eye on this series from now on. Wonder how missed it before.

And the age of chivalry has breathe its last. How did all this suspicion and conflict replace co-operation between the sexes? Feminazis to the left of me, MGTOW to the right.

That is a well said statement, period full stop.
