blah blah blah

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

there was a duplicate transmission
apparently that warrants someone saying I should be perfect and all technologies that were lagging or glitching should be perfect as well
OH and thank you for bringing in that my rep should be thought about , :)

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You posted this 2 times I downvoted.

it was not on purpose by the way , it was saying broadcast transmission error and that happened but fine by me since I can't delete it without deleting the original? But thanks for keeping the Steemian waters safe from their own errors and from the likes of me, lol ;)

If you edit one of the post I will unflag this. Broadcasting error is an ungoing error for months and when we consider your reputation I think you shouldn't make these kind of mistakes thanks for kind reply.

maybe considering your rep you shouldn't be such a douche over a tech issue she has no control over

Steeminator3000, stop quasi threatening or I will have to quasi flag you!

Sorry I unflagged

water under the bridge

so just editing one blank won't effect the original, don't talk to me patronizingly by the way when I am trying to fix it, and don't quasi threaten me for a mistake when I've not had this happen before,

you also should consider when helping someone to not bring up reptutation or the fact people are humans and make mistakes which was an effing broadcast transmission one, so can be polite to someone first off before going at their jugular,