Creating Value in life Steemit ethossteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

If only the whole world would wake up and realise that we are not useless, we can create value, each and every one of us! Don't give up and just! We could all do so much if we just believed in our own worth and stopped striving to acheive the unrealistic and materialistic goals that the media and the govornment want us to aim for!

I have been inspired by a few bloggers today. It seems so many of us feel the same way about living life, not just existing in time.
I personally feel the need to be a contributor and not just a consumer so that I create value with my time and feel as though I have acheived something, even if it is something simple.

I decided to remove our tv package a few years back so that we have to spend our spare time doing something productive rather than watching mind numbing tv programmes over and over again on repeat. (Although I have to admit to downloading GoT, I can't live with out my dragons!)

At first, I felt completely lost! after all, 7pm was emerdale and 7.30 was corrie etc, how could I live without my perfect tv timetable to guide me through my days!

But then I remembered years ago, I enjoyed crocheting and decided to see if I could still do it. So I went out, bought some crochet hooks and wool, and began to create. I didn't know what I was making at the time, I was just practicing my skills. I soon realised my practice piece had become the size of a small blanket!


Once I became faster, I started to make more and more blankets for family and friends and I had throws everywhere in my house! 😂 Soon, the news spead of my crocheting and I had friends of friends and wider family members asking me to make baby blankets and king size throws! It was amazing! I felt as though I was actually really good at something and I was creating things that people would use in a practical way!



The sense of acheivement was empowering.

I have since started to look at my life as a challenge. What can I create for myself rather than buying or consuming from elsewhere? Food for example. I only have a tiny garden, but I have managed to produce a sack of potatoes, a couple of bags worth of carrots, heaps of tomatoes, a few tasty strawberries, 3 courgettes and some chillis!


Granted, its not enough to feed us for any great length of time, but I felt amazing for having provided my family with food, grown by my own hands.

As autumn approaches and the early evenings become darker, I think I will head back to my crocheting skills as people always need warm blankets. But I would also like to try my hand at something new. If you have any similar experiences or suggestions, please share in the comments, I would love to read about them! 😀


Embrace the Steemit ethos... create value! Thanks for reading @beautifulbullies xx

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So many life lessons to learn from this post...

I'm so happy you feel this way, thank you for your kind words 😊

You are always welcome

Inspiring! And clearly the $85 and counting shows that I'm not the only one you've encouraged here to go out and do something productive. True, I'm on the computer typing this and not out inventing something awesome or making pickles, but at least I feel more "productive" on Steemit versus watching TV or even commenting on just about any other social media site.

There are a couple reasons for that (ooh, maybe I'll write a post with more details!):

  1. I'm chatting here with new people every day from all over the world, not just my old buddies I keep in touch with from college.

  2. The community here is generally likeminded and encourages creativity, thinking outside the box, and doesn't propogate "mainstream" news / beliefs.

  3. I feel like I'm building this account for some useful future purpose. Ironic I'm not quite sure what it is... but I'm definitely building something here :D

  4. Although I'm not even close to the level where I can make more than a few cents for my posts, at least I'm getting paid something! Hah, have to start somewhere.

I love that we are all like minded on steemit. It is amazing that we are inspiring and encouraging each other to create something new, no matter whether it is with words, food, thoughts, art or blankets! We are all unique and have hidden talents that even we ourselves do not know about!


and wow! i cant believe its been upvoted so much lol thank you to everyone who has upvoted! xx

well clearly you put lots of time and thought into it, and it contains a super positive message so you deserve it :)

@jobsande yes!


I also got rid of my TV package. We grow our own vegetables here on the farm. I feel that " no one is coming to save us". We need to take personal responsibility , because no one else will

Absolutely! We are all responsible for our own consumption, decisions and actions. If only more people woke up to this reality.
I envy you, I would love to live on a farm and be able to become self sufficient. That would be my paradise, forget fancy houses and exotic islands lol

beautiful message and blankets!! you are very crafty! I can't say the same for myself...well i build things for a living but not out of my own time. Everybody needs to revisit their consumer habits and the majority consume too much and in inefficient ways especially on entertainment and superficial items that will just end up in the garbage instead of things of value. Keep up your gardening skills! you are providing some great food.

Thank you so much! We have just enjoyed our home grown baked potatoes with cheese, beans and a side salad with my home grown tomatoes! Even my son wanted seconds! They taste so much better when they are not from the supermarket, and I feel elated when everyone finishes their plates!😀

what a feast!! I was brought up on home grown food and foraging. there is nothing like it! I don't like supermarket veggies either. We try to buy from local producers at farmers market and local produce store it's like 1/3 of the price and way fresher. I have severe food allergies I have to watch all the food I eat and make everything from scratch. So much work but the rewards are great. You are doing yourself and your family a favor by eating these foods.

This is so right on! I have been talking about this for years -- I live it and feel great joy when I see others finding their way through creatively living and producing for themselves, it's a wave from a ripple.

The blankets are gorgeous and this post has the power of a spark. :)

Thank you so much for you kind words! I think it is great that we are all developing ourselves and spreading the word, we have as a species become brainwashed and need to learn to reconnect with our own creativity!

Agreed again. :)

One by one we can do this.

I really like your thoughts and your post. I think that doing something useful with our time is good. So, I agree with you on that thinking. I don't watch tv either.
But, the computer takes a lot of my time.
But, since I am a "futures trader." That takes a lot of my time.
Thank you for your thoughts and input.


Thank you! I think we can be very productive with computers too! Anything where we are using our skills to create something positive is in my mind adding value to the world. keep creating! 😊

Some beautiful crochet work there. I have done a lot of crocheting over the years. Different styles of blankets mostly. Have also knitted and done needlepoint. Personal projects make wonderful gifts for others, the personal touch is invaluable.

Thank you 😊 Yes I agree, there is something special about giving or receiving a gift that has been made by the giver. I have tried my hand at knitting, but was unsuccessful...perhaps that should be my next challenge! Learning
to knit 😀

@beautifulbullies , I agree, We do not give up to live because we have a mind
and the heart.


exactly, and we should all do what we are good at and enjoy. this way the world will be a happier and more virbrant place to live in


Tv is just a waste of time. If i m not tending to my animals on my farm thn i m on steemit

I would love to have a small farm one day and raise my own animals!

Yu wuold

Wooooow.!'s beautiful ...😍👌👍. Good luck😃😃

thank you 😊

Thank you so much to everyone who has resteemed my post! I am speechless! xx