Just when you thought you had it all figured out!

in life •  6 years ago 

Hello there world. How goes it? This is my first blog! Before I get started always feel free to correspond, every conversation in life stimulates the mind to develop more creativity and perspective. My name is Blindpilot, funny I know. What a hell of a name. I just found out about this site. Cool! Man, let me tell you after hitting 40+(give or take a few) that life clock has kicked in hard. All of the kids are adults now, Crypto currency is trying to take over the financial sector and our last 3 presidents have shown the world literally anyone can be the president that is with the correct national documentation. Truthfully it was a good thing, before things ever get better we have to have moments in history where failure existed, it is within that failure we learn from our mistakes and empower our future decisions. Sometimes failure is a good thing, without it that would allow for any given soul to have more dominion of the many than we all desire. Sorry about that I didn't mean to go on a political rant and digress. Back to my intro, that life clock I was talking about has kicked in to overdrive like a mother plucker. My once cool jive walk has turned into more of a limp. The joints crack more with even less effort and worse of all, I've started taking naps, regularly. I did get into crypto and mining. When my wife seen the invoice and well let me just say thank goodness for such a supportive woman. 18 graphics cards purchased during the high prices for equipment set ole blindpilot back more than it should have but we made it out and have gotten back a nice piece of the old stash.

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