After the Bootcamp, Episode 3

in life •  6 years ago 

Attending my first developer's conference like


Everything is new and exciting. Even going from one conference room to the next is kinda fun. What's gonna happen in there? Will there be slides? Is he gonna be funny? Will I get to ask a question?

That was me on the first full day of HoshoCon, a blockchain conference here in Las Vegas. Topics covered everything from security, cryptocurrency, blockchain development and anything else that was even ancillary to blockchain. There were crypto "celebs" and spokespeople. There were business leaders and developers from all over the planet. People in suits. People in JNCO jeans. Young people. Old people. More young people.

But everyone, including myself, was there due to a shared affinity for blockchain technology and its impact on the future. It was our common thread and gave us all at least one thing to talk about.

I spent that first full day bouncing back and forth between conference rooms and listening to EVERYONE speak. Between sessions I spoke to friends, networked, went to the exhibit hall, drank coffee, listened to more people speak, drank more coffee and listened to more people speak. I didn't follow that same pattern today.

From the perspective of a new developer the conference was really interesting. For me, everything is new. React, Node, Angular, SQL...I'm learning all of it. And the people I see on a daily basis are very comfortable in most of those languages. They might even be an expert in one or two of them. And when they speak on subjects or present material I have a superficial understanding of the topics. Not just because they are smart but because these technologies have been in mainstream use for the past 5 years or so. I built things in React, but there are still lots of functions and topics in React that I have yet to encounter. But my time will come.

But for this conference the majority of the attendees were just like me and new to blockchain. Which makes sense...the technology isn't even close to mainstream. So we ALL got to have our minds blown. So on that level playing field we all got to expound on how blockchain could exist in the future. I love discussions about futurism, and the idea that my refrigerator could hold part of a security key that unlocks my bank account is really cool.

Blockchain is interesting and exciting and it will be the future. But I am also focused on the present. And at the present moment I am unemployed. And my knowledge of blockchain won't be getting me a job this week or next. But my love of design and styling might.

So this weekend and all next week will be dedicated to building a portfolio that can help pay the bills. Now that bootcamp is over it is time (maybe way past time) to start earning a living in this industry.

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