Reducing surplus elites.

in life •  last year 


The second worst thing you can do for your life expectancy is to become obese, which increases your odds of diabetes type II by 800%, because getting a diagnosis of diabetes type II reduces your life expectancy by 15 years.

The worst is to have parents, teachers and friends who confirm that you should change your gender and be trans. This reduces your average life expectancy by 30 years.

I have wondered for years why the Democratic Party and rich trans women (formerly men) would be so supportive of something that reduces average life expectancy by over 40%.

I just read Peter Turchin’s book End Times and I have my answer. It’s a way to achieve political stability by partially reducing the overproduction of elites. Turns out that the purpose of wars or a beneficial outcome of wars is to reduce surplus elites. Encouraging mass gender changes is a way to reduce overpopulation of elites.

I also wondered why Biden would be pushing the jabs when 91% of Biden voters took the jab at least twice and the Biden administration is gearing up for more of the awful COVID measures including vaccines. Now I understand: reducing surplus elites.

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I share your concerns about the potential impact of obesity and gender identity on life expectancy. Your perspective on political motivations is thought-provoking and adds an interesting layer to the discussion.