Should You Raise Your Child With Religion, Even If You Don’t Believe?

in life •  8 years ago 

I’m not a huge believer of labeling ones religion, because people can believe in one, many or parts of each faith they practice. That being said if someone forced me to choose with a gun against my head, I would probably say agnostic, I don’t deny that there could be a god, but im more of a seeing is believing type of person. That being said I was raised Christian for the first 10 or so years of my life. My family was never hardcore, but we did go to a more relaxed church every Sunday, but with 4 kids, 3 of whom that played sports, we eventually stopped going.

I actually talked to my father recently about this and he actually is in the same line of belief with me and always has been, but he was always the one that wanted to bring us to church. I asked him why and his response was actually understandable. He told me that he wanted to introduce us to religion and ultimately make the choice for ourselves if we wanted to stay in it and also that he believed many of the basic simple teachings of religion would aid us in being a better person. I know question what I will do for my own children if the time comes.

I think ultimately I agree with my father’s decision and will most likely do the same. The key was that the church we went to was progressive, about loving and accepting everyone no matter what. There was never any exclusion and our pastor was a jolly man that often thought preaching was best done while eating food in the basement of the church. I can honestly say that in terms of bible stories or how in depth Christianity was for me, there was little knowledge, but I do remember the basics of treating everyone else equally.

Its funny how at the time I wanted to do nothing more than walk out of sitting for a couple of hours with my family listening to the pastor, but now I find I would be willing to do anything to go back. Church for me is one of those fond memories I had as a child in times that weren’t better, but filled with nostalgia and I think that is their legacy. It seems like religion amongst many families is disappearing in some countries just because of not having enough time, or replacing Sundays with family day, which is equally as good.

When the time comes to have my own child I think I will do the same as my father did, despite myself not totally believing everything. If my children like it or take to it, I shall support them, if not and they want to pursue other things in life, I shall equally support them as well. I hope that perhaps long after im gone they too will look back at nostalgia with the times we spent together at church on a lazy Sunday, with joy. What is your opinion on this matter?

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As a Christian with a child and another on the way, I think you have to tell your children what you know, and let them decide. If God want's them to find faith he will open their heart to the truth of Jesus Christ. However the choice is up to the child and no one should force any religion, or ideology on someone else. It is the child's choice to pick if they have religion more importantly faith, or not. You can only provide them with the information and leave the decision to them, it is their life.

religion is a mental disease.
it should be avoided if possible.


Religion is good for many people and many religious congregations are beautiful and positive for the people involved. The key is being open and loving like your progressive church. In this progressive world, it can be detrimental for children to be indoctrinated into close minded or judge-mental religious congregations.

I don't think you need to go to church to know God. My wife & I like to go but we skip out and just go to the beach or cottage for the weekend even when the kids were living with us. It was like skipping public school when I was a kid. Until my best friend &I were in the front page of the news paper. That's another story. Anyways if He is in you your family will see it come out (God's love). But I just gone to church with the kids to set an example. My one daughter really confronted me & let me now that she wanted no part of church. I was talking to her today & she at 27yrs old was telling me that she doesn't want her brother inviting her downtown were he is doing mission work trying to build a community. Mainly helping the lower class that I want no part of my daughter would say. My wife's side are all church goers mostly.My side I'm the only one. My family has shunned me & put me in my place about the subject. So I am wise at how to handle the subject. I listen more when they talk. You know the last time I went to see my daughter I told her I would like to pray a blessing over you. She liked that & said please do. So I layed my hand on her shoulder & prayed my heart into her and future. Then told her I was proud to be her father. She just left her boyfriend and moved into a bachular apt.

I would support my son if he became religious, but I would question him on it and debate his views. Religion is a part of school life in the UK, I wish it wasnt. We already teach various religious beliefs in school classes but they sing Christian hymns and take the children to church and essentially teach them, in their youngest years in school, that Christianity is the correct religion.

My son came home one day talking about a man who was raised from the dead and healed people. He said he saw it in a video in school and was of the impression it was completely true, because why would school lie to him?!

I told him that I didnt believe the things he was shown, I didnt believe that person was brought back from the dead, nor did I believe he cured people of blindness etc. In fact, I told him I didnt believe that person even existed and was a fabrication. I can feel many people getting upset about that :)

But I was accepting, I didnt tell him that is WAS wrong, that he shouldnt believe it, I simply told him what I believe. He is free to make his choices and I will support him in whatever he chooses in life (apart from deciding to become a mass murderer, that... Im not so supportive of)

The best thing that can happen to mankind is to live in a world where there is no religion...just a belief and faith on humanity. Many wars had been fought based on religions, I hope we all move beyond religions and try to make this society a better place for our coming generations.

If our children do not have God as a model and a guide they will be influenced by the world and have no guide. Blessings to you I will share my post I hope you like it.

most are raised being indoctrinated into the biggest religion of all - statism

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Family is your religion. Even with those memories. Those can be created anywhere. I am pro religion to help with guidance but i don't think it should be forced on anyone, including ones own children. I say introduce it and let them decide.

Interesting question. Religion and culture are often so deeply intertwinned that rejecting the religion can sometime feel like pruning one's very own cultural roots and early education. What is better for your children: missing out on a huge part of the culture and traditions of the country they are born in, or growing with a dead angle in their mind, acceptance of irrational beliefs, and a weakened ability to deal with cognitive dissonance?

It can serve as a good lesson, as one might get from our ancestors.

Interesting point of view. I believe that aside any religion the most important thing is to teach the little ones love and respect.

Thank you for your posting,
your father was very wise.
It was told that every human beings have a tendancy going back to his very first expeariance.
He did the best thing for you look back your childhood with happy.

I grew up Baptist, but went to Catholic school for half of my life. I saw a lot of hypocrisy within the community which really turned me off. If my child is interested in pursuing religion and their heart was in the right place, I wouldn't discourage them, but at the same time I'm not going to go out of my way to indoctrinate them.

I definitely respect your post and opinion. Thanks for sharing!

My personal opinion is far different. I believe that regularly going to church out of cultural traditions or generational religious practices is not far off from non-religious planning and activities. In other words, religion in its own context is not edifying or truly fulfilling. In my opinion, I find it to be somewhat selfish and belittling of what a church is meant to be - simply put, if you're going to church just because you feel like it's "the right thing to do", it is just as equivalent as not going to church at all.

I am confident in my Christian faith because I believe it wholeheartedly. There is no other belief system (from my own personal investigation of historical evidence and belief structure) that comes close to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Knowing this, I believe that if Christ and God the Father sent down the Holy Spirit (Acts 1 of the Holy Bible), then through the work of the Lord, we will go to church NOT because of necessity, memory creation, or self-satisfaction; but rather, out of humble obedience and willingness to do so because of what He first did for us, through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Just wanted to add my two cents in the conversation! It's definitely a good perspective to dive deeper into.

FYI - I have no kids yet, but I do intend on starting a family sooner than later. And when I do - by His grace I shall remain in my faith - I will definitely bring my children to my local church here where I stay!

The Good thing you can do is to riese you children in church . now day the world is going through an alarming violence .. our children don´t have peaceful childhood anymore.. all is violence and bad things .. I´m not saying that at church he will not see it, but the big intention is not to let children go through the bad things we see on the street.

As an apatheist I dont much care whether there are or arent any gods; its clear, if they do exist, they have no impact on our lives.
Religion is a very odd thing, people who have no authority, tell us what we should or should not do, what to believe, and how theirs is the only correct path in life.
Perhaps some study of philosophy might be time better spent?

I think your dad is wise. It was smart of him to introduce you to religion and let you make the choice for yourselves if you wanted to follow it. And its true that many of the basic teachings of religion can help in being a better person. I like your blog. Followed.