Motto of Today / 28.01.2018

in life •  7 years ago 



What goes around comes around.
Keep your circle positive.
Speak good words.
Think good thoughts.
Do good deeds.

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I'm a strong believer in the fact that people can do anything that theyactually want to do. Once someone realizes they want something it's hard to stop them from attaining it. Or at least trying to. If you don't try you can't succeed.

But as you mention above you should always do so in a positive way with good intent!


you are completely right ! ;)

where are you from?

Wise words from a wise women 👌

very thanks ;)

nice picture

follow me @rezasaputrafj

thank you ;)

I try and live by just do the next right thing even if the right thing is the hard thing to do. But lately I’ve felt like no good deed goes unpunished. Meaning everything Good thing I’ve tried to do came back to bite me. Maybe it’s my karma from a long time ago when I wasn’t acting like a good person.

never give up to do good thing ! At the end , your karma will be good ;)

Amazing words from pretty girl @catlove

Amazing words from cool guy :D

Hi @catlove, are you an aspiring photo model? :)


Hello, who's that beautiful girl? :)

Hellooooo :D

Thank you once again for the nice, bright words. How are you?

