in life •  6 years ago 

I heard my pastor say this very words:FB_IMG_1513521357819.jpg

Taking people for granted must not be. And when not deliberately done (and it is pointed out) the response should remain sincere and plain perhaps with an apology if necessary - my opinion.

Nobody takes us for granted like the ones we love. (Note I said, the ones we love. They may not love us the way we love them, all the same they take us for granted.)

They just believe they can always make it up to us at a later time. Always leaving till later that which will make their own also very happy.

They miss our birthdays, special events, sometimes one would even prefer asking a distant person for a request to asking the same of one whom you claim to be close.

We all need to be there to support each other. Of course as individuals we are billed to be strong and confident but we all still need the support of each other again and again.

Counsel provided a young teenager (whether blood relation or otherwise) may help the quality of decision that person will make in life. The sort of school, the location and other eventualities of the persons life, including marriage also. The little we can do should be done. Encouragement is something that cannot be too much. Believe it or not your input counts.

Observe the progress the people around you are making. Assist with a word or more where necessary. Don't be controlling but be sincere and yet contributing.

As a minister mentor or whatever, you see someone straying, don't be indifferent and settle that you are at least not wishing the person evil. Indifference is as much evil by itself. Have an opinion and if possible share it.

I know sometimes we are paid back with evil, we must not become hostile or become vindictive because of one or two persons who have manhandled your kindness.
But also realize - Kind is who we are, kindness is what we do.

We are who we are and not necessarily what we do. Be kind. Do kindness and don't take 'selfies' with it. Selah!

This is not only the socially right thing to do but the response to being our brothers keeper.

I look back today and grateful for many who were there for me one way or the other. Yet I see many areas I may have been better if I had one of my own be there for me. I am certain I may have turned out better even faster.

It is true the Holy Spirit is with us. But God still uses mediums like you and I to effect positive influences in the lives of people.

Be deliberate today and be there for your own. Listen to their thoughts. Again don't control but nurture and encourage their aspirations.

Thank you and God bless.

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