A lot of us want to be perfect, but perfectionism only leads to stress and unhappiness. It keeps us from achieving our goals, leaving us frustrated, and wasting lots of time.
We often start to blame others or ourselves when we fail. We get angry when things don't go well, and then we beat ourselves up when we're in the midst of failure.
This cycle continues until we realize that perfection isn't something we can attain; it's something we should accept.
It takes effort and practice to recognize the negative impact of perfectionism, so here are some simple steps you can take to overcome perfectionism.
STEP 1: Create a Clear Goal
Set realistic, achievable goals that are short-term. Focus on learning instead of getting to the end of your life.
STEP 2: Take Ownership
Perfectionism only becomes a problem when we blame ourselves for things that are beyond our control. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and failures.
STEP 3: Start Small
Even if you've failed before, keep trying again. As you learn from your mistakes, you'll eventually reach your goal.
STEP 4: Don't Be Afraid to Fail
Perfectionists can be very afraid to fail. Don't be afraid, though, as long as you're taking steps to improve.
STEP 5: Find Something Else to Worry About
Instead of focusing on whether your hair is just right or whether you have the perfect outfit, focus on what's important to you, like family and friends. If you need more space, get a bigger house.
STEP 6: Learn from What You Do Wrong
Perfectionists often make mistakes, but they're afraid to admit it. Instead, they try to justify their mistake and put the blame on someone else.
STEP 7: Ask Others for Feedback
If you've been doing the same thing over and over again and are not making progress, ask for feedback. Find people who know you well and see what they think.
Ask for feedback from your spouse, your parents, and your friends.
If you've been failing at something and can't seem to get better, get help from people who know you well.
STEP 8: Stop Judging Yourself
As soon as you judge yourself, you set yourself up for failure. Don't say anything about your imperfections because you'll only get more upset if you fail again. If you're looking to get better at something, don't criticize yourself. You'll just set yourself up for failure, and you won't feel better for it. If you think your skills are weak, find someone you trust to help you improve.
STEP 9: Change the Way You Think. When you start thinking differently, you'll start feeling differently. If