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Every Person Receives many kinds of Wealth, Happiness and Glory in his Lifetime, but he is not the Best. Such a Person (Whether rich or poor) who does not forget his Limitations in a Difficult and Difficult Situation, no matter how Dire a Terrible Crisis comes, he does not Leave his Good Attribute.
According to Acharya Chanakya
Meaning :
This Giant Ocean full of Hundreds of Precious Gems, As long as the Sea Remains in its Borders, there is a Desire to see the Beauty of the sea in Everyone People. But when this sea, in terrible Conditions, forgets its Limit and brings terrible disaster(Flood), then the World Condemns the Ocean. No man should break his borders like the sea, the person who maintains patience in the worst time is also Great from to the sea.
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The noble man does not break his limits, he gets famous in the world due to his good nature, pure mind and concentration. People praise him, give him Like. Opposite of this, Those who forget their Limits and do bad Deeds, others are Harmed, the World Condemns such People. The best person is made up of his good deeds, No One is Better than Money.