Always stay positive no matter what...

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Everyone in his life has own personal fights, many Ups and Downs but if we are positive and optimistic, every problem is easier to solve.

I have found this thought written by Goi Nasu that perfectly describes power of positive thinking:

An entire sea.png

Stay positive no matter what!


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Always stay positive no matter what...

…and trade your fiat for crypto ;)

Agreed! :-)

Calmness and determination helps to solve many problems, no matter how hard it is

Many times I had wallpapers with such quotes but somehow the water still managed to enter in my ship. But overall I agree that almost everything enters our life with our consent.

Water in a ship is especially bad for fisherman :-)

Luckily I am more of a shore fisherman :)

Luckily :-)

hello @cicbar.. It's true. Everything should be optimized in order to understand the mind and solve any problem individually and easily

@cicbar lovely thought. i am totally agree with you in our life many time wrong things happen but i always say to myself that don't worry ups and down comes. i should live positive. and even i always tell others people to stay positive also.
by the way again thank you so much for this lovely thought.

You are always concerned about positive thoughts.And there is no end to your idea about crypto.

Cypto does not end your argument.

It does if you pick Bitcoin...

I know your bitcoin argument expert.......

Bon Voyage ! Goi Nashu!!

there has many things to learn from you.
Thanks for your motivational post

True words, Nothing is permanent in life. Bad days come in life but for every night dawn comes. Just hope for the best and remains positive. keep sharing motivational and inspirational post @cicbar

@cicbar a very lovely scenario and upon that a very lovely thought. Whenever anything which takes my thoughts to negativity I always tell myself these are thing which will teach me the value of right thing.

I respect your writing so much.. I love positive thinking and I love making friends with people with positive mindsets like you @cicbar..
I would love to follow you and I hope you follow me too..

Crypto market do not end your argument . But your thought is always positive . Your thought is lovely .

Thanks for sharing @cicbar
Upvote you .

its really a great quote

place @cicbar we follow what our hearts say and think positively

Humility, faith, positive thinking, the outcome of every situation!

Right sir and good concept sir..

Thanks.... You are crypto expert. And always good idea.

It is true but sometimes people can challenge you and his hard to keep the positive side.