I need to stay away from Airports

in life •  8 years ago 

It occurred to me the other day at when i was at the airport that a lot of people seem quite surprised when asked for their passport and tickets when checking in.

Surely they would have seen as they stood in the queue that their fellow passengers were being asked for tickets and passports so when it comes to their turn why do they act surprised with that dumb open mouthed expression on their faces before they begin the pat down of every pocket they possess looking for the tickets and passports?

Once they have located their documents come the usual questions:

CHECK OUT PERSON "Did you pack this case yourself?"

PASSENGER "ERRRRRRRR.............ERRRRRR..............my wife helped me"

CHECK OUT PERSON "has anyone given you anything to carry?"

PASSENGER "ERRRRRRR......ERRRRRRR..................EEERR...No!"

CHECK OUT PERSON "DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE PROHIBITED ITEMS?" (Showing passenger of the plastic laminated card festooned with pictures of guns and tins of petrol)

PASSENGER studies the card intensely for 10 mins then says "No!" knowing clearly before hand that all they have in their case are their dirty pants and smelly socks

How hard is it to check in? I stand there in awe of these people that go through life without any awareness or am I being too sensitive? but it can't be me since this happens too often.

For the sake of the human race, when at the airport have your documents ready, it's not an exam :-).

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You ask a lot of people - a little common sense is none too common

Trapdoor, that is what is needed, a trap-door right by the check in desk, can't answer the questions, show any hesitation trap-door opens and away they go.