A little OCD never hurt anyone...

in life •  7 years ago 

A clean home is a happy home!

So I have always more or less been a neat freak, but these past 3-5 months I have really ramped it up. I don't know what has triggered this in me but I can see finger smudges on glass a mile away. The funny thing is it only really truly bugs me if it is my own house. I can go over to someone elses place and notice the dirt and grime etc... and it does not bother me!!! NOT ONE BIT.

...Well that isn't entirely true, smells typically will set me off.

A clean bathroom is just lovely!

I am beginning to think I am a bit out of control with this, and it may or may not become a big problem moving forward. I am at the point where I try not to do some cleaning but I usually get stressed out if I just don't do it.

Like I said definitely no smudges allowed.

So is having a clean place overly necessary, am I a little psychotic in my behaviors.... In short probably, but that is okay I know how to keep myself happy and that is what is important at the end of the day!

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me too