Are you an 80's kid??steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  8 years ago 

Good Morning Steemians,

While I am sitting here working at home, its a quiet morning on standby and no one needs me for classes. So I have been reliving my childhood.
I was born in 1979 technically my teens were the 90's but deep down I am an 80's kid which was the best time of my life. I wondered if you would relate or add to some of the things that I loved in the 80s.


There was nothing better than going over to the local shop across the road and renting a movie to watch, at the time some of the movies and storylines where a bit out of there, but some now are classic movies which if we watched today we would still enjoy them.



Batteries not included

I loved this movie, basically it was about an old couple who ran an apartment building with a cafe on the ground floor. The building was old and the area was being revamped with many old buildings being torn down. Starring Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn they will not move out of the building and the residents of the block also decide to make a stand.
Things are difficult for them until they are visited by some helpful machines from outer space. This movie is an excellent rainy day movie with a blanket and a hot drink that will leave you with a smile on your face at the end.



War Games

Starring the wonderfully talented and a very young Matthew Broderick who plays a computer hacker in the 80's. I love this movie because its fun to see what state of the art technology was like back in the day. Broderick is a hacker and likes games, he finds what he thinks is a simulation world war game and starts to play. But little does he know that he tapped into the military computer system.
Its a story line that I think anyone can follow and you could watch it any time but not too many times or you may get a little fed up with it.

TV Shows

I think many would agree with me that as a kid TV was in its heyday with many games shows and action shows and cartoons, I loved to watch on an evening and weekend some of these now have even been remade but sadly not continued.


(Credit: IMDB)


It goes without saying this was the number one cartoon I used to watch in the 80's. A guy called Adam was was prince of the Planet Eternia had a secret when he held up his sword and said some words, he became a warrior called He Man. And would fight enemies such as skeletor, evil Lynn, beast man and many more to protect Eternia from being taken over. I feel that these went on throughout my entire childhood, no one could talk to me while I watched this.


(Credit: IMDB)


I remember distinctly the very first episode of this and I was hooked and I mean hooked, everything I owned at one point became thundercats, bedding, toys, pajamas you name it I had it. This group of humanoid Cat people had to flee their planet Thundera as it was dying and seek out a new planet. Headed by their leader Lion-o this group of feline warriors land on the planet of third Earth, and while they set up their lives they must protect themselves and their new found friends from Enemies such as slyth, jackleman, monkien and the evil Mumm-ra. Lion-o keeper of the sword of omens was a child when he left his planet and when he landed on third earth became fully grown, but he needs the help of his team to understand what it is to be an adult. Watching this again now as a grown up I understand so much more of this cartoon. They remade this in 2011 but in my opinion the story line is not as good as the original.



(Credit: Flickr)

It really was no joke when I said about thundercats stuff I had, everything from the characters, Thundertank and even the cats lair, this gave me hours of entertainment.


Rubiks cube
I remember well when these were all the rage and I got on in my stocking at christmas, filled with intrigue and wonder I set about trying to get all the colours on the same side. I remember weeks later seeing someone who was able to complete it in less than ten seconds and I could only get two sides the same colour, in the end I peeled off and restuck all the stickers so it looked like I had completed it.


tape .png

Ghetto Blaster

The most sought after thing in it's hey day forget your phone's and MP3's in the 80's bigger was better and if you had one of these you were super cool. I remember walking around carrying one with a pair of headphones plugged in and thought it was the best thing on earth. Then would come Sunday if you wanted to play your favourite songs in the week then every kid at 6pm would tune in and record the charts top twenty, and you always had your selection of music for the next week while you were doing your homework.

I hope you enjoyed this little nostalgic trip with me back to the 80's. Were you an 80's kid? What programmes did you watch? What toys did you have? What music did you listen to.

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I was an 80s kid . I love to play outside with friends. I love my gameboy. Play with barbies. Rent movies. Listen and rec music from the radio. Spanish tv shows were really funny. Use a pencil to rew a cassette 😂😂

Where's the Goonies homey?


omg love that movie :-)

the goonies is a great movie

Oh my god can't believe I missed that one shame on me.

my all time favorite film! love it!

Flight Of the Navigator was cool too

I grew up in the same era as you, i'm 2 years older!! I loved war games and my brother had a ghetto blaster like that!

90s :/)


For me the most iconic image of the 80s is:

This picture depicts the important “unknown rebel” standing in front of the tanks that threatened a peaceful protest in China.

I seem to remember that back in the 80's, MTV actually played music videos 24 hours a day!

We didn't have cellphones, we had CB radios....and we thought they were the greatest things ever!

Cartoons only played on Saturday morning.

Most people still only had 3 channels on their TVs, and if you were lucky enough to live in an area that was served by cable, you might have a whopping 27 channels!!!

Our telephones were still connected to the walls and you had to buy a 20 ft springy cable if you wanted to walk around your house and talk on the telephone.

And last, but not least.........DURAN DURAN!!!!!

Are you from the uk perhaps I don't really remember the 3 channels on tv I remember 4 as channel 4 was released in 1982 I think it was??

And we should not forget the invention of the internet!

Lol had almost same image... but u know what happened when reached to your image? .... Heard the sound of loading :-)))))
Loading games on tapes, loading dial-up internet, loading life... hahaaaaa.

In my country we had 3-4 hours free on dial-up on internet. Who do yo think was sleeping then? Only parents, kids not! We were online till the last minute and almost all the time, over that limit and had some minor charges at phone bill.

But damn, i not regret that moments at all. All the happines to have that loaded and working it was "precious".
We did respect that time spent there and tried to not loose time on bs but on what we want. Even that were chat or some jokes with other friends... eh. Nice times man.

Now they can't appreciate what they have because it is a must. And that's normal. It reached its peak and it is a standard now. A normal thing.

Other things should be that "dial-up" thing now.

And... i hope for us will be steem and steemit and all its world.
Huh, what memories you brought back... nice ones.
You with that image and crazybgadventure with this beautiful post. Even if i'm not american i lived that times which were the same to all. The beginning of all what is today.

Thanks for that :-))))

So many people are contributing to the post and adding things that I am slapping my head at thinking oh my god how could I miss that. I loved your comment thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this post I truly treasure comments like yours.

We all missed something in the past. What it counts is what WE DID and what WE LIVED!
So, it were be so nice to live so many moments, but we do lived other beautiful moments and others dont... and so on. That's why life is beautiful.
We must remember all the good things and live the moment. Not the bad things.
Also, we are from different part of the worlds, so differencies are big.
Sharing our past is the best thing from time to time to bring that good smile on our crunchy faces,. hahaa.

Glad to see how many people reacted here.
gg to all and maybe here it will be another history too... 4 sure it will be in anyway

Great post and yes I agree its nice to see so many people all over the world sharing the same interests.

Wow was that the 80's I always thought it was the 90's???

I was born in 1981, but absolutely loved 80's & 90's music, video games, movies, and overall just the 1980-1990 lifestyle. It was carefree, fun, easygoing, and had a lot of character that was not there in earlier decades. Plus, back when things we're in a simpler time we had less to worry about about not as much widespread panic about terrorism and end of the world stuff about religion & technology. I absolutely loved play 8-bit Nintendo back in the old days and also the other old systems. G.I. Joes, TMNT, Garbage pail kids, comic books, NICKELODEON/NICK AT NITE and also the old school MTV. Love your post and glad to see that your keeping the 80's alive. Upvoted and following!!

Thank you for your great comment @jamie-smith, wow I forgot all about garbage pail kids. Do you remember the movie??

I do remember the movie! Been a while, but do you remember the movie called "madballs?" It was similar to garbage pail kids, possibly made by same people. Really funny cartoon too.

Get ready for a nerd boner

oooooh I want it to be the 80's again so bad now.

1974, can relate to everything you wrote.

really how so????

Oh! Really nice pics @crazybgadventure

Thank you :)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

What has that got to do with my post???

I think it's a bot, like the meep bot

Oh lol

I got trolled by a bot last week 😂😂😂 I had a full blown argument before i realised too haha

Ha ha ha I had no idea until today.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Not a mean bone in my body friend :)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats HoOoo000ooo

Gran post reviviendo bellos momentos un saludo desde venezuela sigueme y yo te sigo @beartsan

Great post reliving beautiful moments a greeting from venezuela follow me and I follow you @beartsan

Hmmm you're very new to this aren't you? I don't do follow for follow man. But thank you for your comment.

I'm a 90's kid ! Great post

Thank you @shauna27 :)

What I want to know is why Hollywood won't tap into the '80s inspiration and make a Thundercats, He-Man, or She-Ra movie? I know they did Transformers, but they are on like Transformers 5 while Thundercats goes unmade. Here is where I wistfully sigh. Thanks for the '80s flashback crazybgadventure.

You are welcome my friend, and I agree although saying that wonder woman is finally a movie and that was what the 70's so there is hope. Don't know about you but I was not keen on the masters of the universe movie???

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You forgot about Back To The Future .....

hmmm maybe a continuation post some time although this does encourage comments. :D

I loved Batteries Not Included too. Totally underrated flick.

Is it me or were those baby robots the cutest things you ever saw??

I loved it !
oh why it feels like we r old now :D

I remember watching a video ppl gave kids a Walkman and cassette tab , oh my god they acted like they r from another planet . It seems we r really old now :D ..

a very nice post @crazybgadventure

Thank you @Marwa I agree when kids are like what is it I feel really old too.

Had to smile a little when I saw that VHS tape! I firmly believe some of the greatest films ever made came out of the 80's

Imaginations were at their best now its all just remakes.



Fond Memories


For me the 80 and early nineties were all about the Saturday morning cartoons.

<3 he-man

haha,, i'm not from 80's but i like to everything about 80's.. LOL

It was for sure an Era to remember.

Oh, how many times did I hold up a flashlight and scream, "Thundercats Go!"

Oh so it was not just me then.... or how many times did you shout "Sword of omens...give me sight, beyond sight."

Not nearly as many times as I said, "By the power of Greyskull..."

ha ha ha ha ha

vien voir ma page et abonne toi je rend

thank you but no.

I need to do an 80's post! Back then they made real Star Wars movies. You played with real toys (btw, I finally figured out the Rubik's Cube about two years ago!

I remember "He-Man" (for some reason I like the Sorceress, because she reminded me of Stevie Nicks, who was also popular at the time). Back then it was Conan, He-Man, G-force, and of course--Star Wars Classic.

NOTE: For future posts, you can make your headings stand out by using a "#" symbol followed by a space, and then your heading (ex. "# Ghetto Blaster")

You know, for being a self-proclaimed Master of the Universe, He-Man didn't seem to get off-planet much.

True he only went to Etheria every now and again.

Holy shit dude! Well done!

Thank you

Well that took me back :) I was born 1988 so I consider myself a 90s kid because in the 80s all I did was shit my pants lol pictures..just remind me of those old go time flies...

You are right there friend I miss those days very much.

Man I loved the 80's. What a great time to grow up. I remember when I got my Atari and a new BMX bike. Best birthday ever. Thanks for the memory trip.

I had a BMX it was red, Remember Chopper bikes I had a blue one.... or were they all blue??

Era of the 80s couldn't have been more epic, it was when I was growing up too. I enjoyed everything the 80s were. I remembered around 88-89 tv started pushing for the 90s before the 80s was even finished!

Yes I agree I think things like saved by the bell and fresh prince may have came out in the late 80's???

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The 1980's were the best. I had an atari and an NES. So much fun. My favorite toy was a zugly. Anyone else have a zugly?

I had a commodore 64 oh my god do you remember the sounds they played when loading a game.

Rubber Band Man Was My Favorite. Stupid Video Game but classic. Loading the large true floppies is the greatest sound ever! Thanks for the memories.

I used to like to play jet set willy oh and lemmings that was such a popular game.

i show my walkman to my kids last week and they say what is that

Lol how old did you feel when they said that

The Man and the Masters of the Universe was it for me. Not sure why these aren't continued. 😑😑😑😑

They remade them I think back in 2011 but only one or two seasons and stopped them. Very sad as it looked promising even showing He Mans origins and they were using the original characters.

Born in 1982 the 80s heavily influenced my life til now:
Art/Music: Michael Jackson
Digital: Commodore 64
Movie: Back in the future
TV: The Cosby show / Family Matters

Thundercats ! I remember the first epidode, I waited all the afternoon of this wendsday to watch it... I had to watch all those crappy shows on TV, in order not to miss this one ! Sorry to my friends who waited too, craving for playing on my Sega Master System XD ! (I'm French, sorry if my post is not perfect)

Don't worry your english is fine the main thing is you enjoyed the post and that is what makes me happiest. :) Thank you for posting.

love the rubiks cube story - I think I peeled some off to make it work too! lol Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for the comment nice to know it was not just me that did it.

You are welcome & always good to know!! 😊

I never figured rubiks cube.. But my nephew and my youngest brother did.. :(

Love the music of the 80s... Nostalgic...

Some people are really good at it from a mathematical stance me I have not got a clue either.

I can only make 2 side hahaa..

I loved He-Man. Solved Rubiks cube only couple of times with the help of a friend.

My pick for the best movie in 80s is The Gods Must Be Crazy. I wrote a post about it.

I must take a look at your post thank you for sharing that and your comment.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I responded to you yesterday and i m still thinking about retro things.
I d forgotten to mentíon comics as Mickey Mouse, Condorito, He man etc. I spended hours reading that stories.

Nostalgia posts are always fun. Born 1982 here so I remember everything you listed. I watched the first episode of Thundercats last year on Youtube for the lulz. It was great fun!

There is so much more I could have contributed like mullets and big shoulder pads.

Does anyone remember the 80s movie North Shore? So good! One of my favorite for sure!!!


Oh yea, definitely remember that one. Growing up in Iowa, it took me to that surfer place. So cool.

yes cool! Now read 5 reasons steemit is like Clash of Clans @ivylifestyle


Does anyone have a video/youtube link of the Michelob Light video that had the #Ministry song "Every day is Halloween?" I can't find it for the life of me, including coming about three dozen or so 80's commercials on a dedicated channel.

An incredible time, I have good memories when I went to the video club rent movies vhs.

Yes i am a child of 87's !!


Ahhh ''twas a good year"

The. Best 👍

I was an '80s kid too. My parents had strict rules about video games, so during holidays we'd rent out a Nintendo console. It was a miracle when my parents bought us a SuperNes. Today, I'm more of an Xbox gamer and I buy my own consoles lol But that SuperNes man, Zelda ftw.

Wow I did not even know you could rent a console.

Yup. We had to go to the video rental store to rent a console or video games. I think they still do that today, at Superclub Videotron or something like that, you can rent the consoles. Nowadays, everyone buys online games and such. It's a different dynamic.

Oh dude, I miss the 90's. I was born in the 80's but there was a lot that was passed on from the 80's to the 90's :)

yes it was a completely different era then.

While I was born in the early 90's, a person can appreciate what came out of the 80's. You listed one of my favorite movies: War Games. My husband and I have watched that movie almost a hundred times! But movies apart, I prefer music from the 80's and 90's era. So much more passion and raw talent, not saying that today there isn't any, just more artist "make it" based on their bank account or contact list while talented folks are being looked over. And how the cube is still my better, haha, could never figure that thing out so a big thumbs up to those who did!! Toys wise, well I played with Ken and Barbie when I wasn't playing with my toy cars or getting down and dirty playing marbles with the boys or falling off walls. My grandmother raised me and always said apart from her other 4 children but I am more responsible for her gray hairs! LOL. Great post, did not live the 80's but nostalgia is in the air :)

the ghetto blaster, ur60, ur90...damn there goes the nostalgia now. You don start something that sticks men! the 80's has got to be the best decade ever.

Please see your post mentioned here

@steemwizards wow thanks alot for that appreciated.

Oh yes I am definitely an 80's child, I remember everything you posted in this article. Thanks for the nostalgia :-)