Separation Anxiety

in life •  8 years ago 

I have been in college for 3 years and getting close to finishing up my 4th degree. After I'm done with this term, I will have used up most of my GI Bill and will be looking for a career. As September gets closer and closer, I'm feeling the effects of separation anxiety more and more lol. I've been applying to jobs and have had 1 interview so far. However, I haven't been contacted back yet. My interview was last week, so it is still a little too early to tell. I've also been applying for positions working at railroads. I applied for machinist positions at Canadian Pacific Railway and BNSF Railway. The job postings still have a couple weeks left before they close. I have high hopes for working at Canadian Pacific. I have a friend from the Navy that has been working at Canadian Pacific since he got out of the Navy, and he is pushing my resume' and putting in a good word for me. It would be so nice to get hired on at his work, not just because it is a really nice opportunity, but because it'd be nice to live near him again. Since we got out of the Navy, we both have gotten married and each have a kid. I have a daughter that just turned 2 years old today and he has a son that is a year younger. It'd be nice to have him and his wife close and to have someone for Sarah to grow up with. Keep your fingers crossed for me as I continue this search and hope that I land something good.


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Good luck to you. I have a job interview today. I was supposed to buy a business over a month ago. Deal didn't go though last minute (day we were supposed to sign) Thought the worst. Ended up being a blessing since cryptocurrency was my hobby. Took that time to really spend with my son. He is 5 months. Got to be with while he became a more cognitive person. Wouldn't have traded it for the world.

you'll get it and if you dont get that one, i am sure someone will hire you

Good luck from NZ :)

It's damn hard typing a reply with my fingers crossed.
But... I'm trying....