Assalamu Alaikom, For My Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

in life •  7 years ago 

Enshallah you are all healthy and well and may Allah swt grant you jannah al firdaus. I just wanted to take the time today to share a very knowledgeable Sheikh named Mufti Menk with you all so that enshallah you may educate yourselves further on Islaam. I will share a link to one of his more recent videos, however I would suggest watching all of his videos.
Enshallah this will find you well and Jazakallah Khair!

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And what about the rest of it?

Like the Koran's instructs to kill infidels?

Please friend, educate yourself about the contexts in which this information is found. The quran is a guide for all parts of life, including war so that we can always live by the will of Allah

What happens to apostates who refuse to convert to Islam?

What is the punishment?

Is it lopping off opposing hand and foot?

Also @cryptocultivate;

The quran is a guide for all parts of life, including war so that we can always live by the will of Allah

The Koran instructs Muslims to attack infidels until they are all completely subjugated.

In essence, what your saying is Muslims will wage perputual war!

Why is Islam so intolerant and hateful of non-Muslims?

educate yourself my friend, only then will you find the errors in what the media portrays to you. Islam is a religion of peace and I pray that you too will discover this. Have a blessed day