"Life Through The Eyes Of An EAGLE''-- A Breath Taking Lesson For The Whole Humanity !

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Eagle is one of the most dangerous predator ever existed on Earth. It is basically known for it's focus and determination. An eagle's life is all about focus, determination and patience. It is a living example for Humans to learn the most important lessons in life, yet there's one hidden lesson which most people don't know or they just ignored. 

It's the lesson of CHANGE. It's very small percentage of people knows that an Eagle goes through 6 months of rigorous change which makes it even more dangerous and focus towards it's prey. The Eagle has the longest life among all of its species. It can live more than 70 years. But to reach this old age, the eagle must make a difficult decision which involves a significant change.

In it's 41'st year, the eagle’s flexible and big Talons fails to grab a prey which serves as food. Its sharp and pointed beak no longer remains pointy and becomes bent.

Its heavy wings, because of their thickness, stick to its chest and make it difficult to take a fly .Then, being helpless, the Eagle has left with only two options: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE! This process lasts for at least 180 days (6 months).This process requires the eagle to head back to a mountain top and make a nest there. Then the eagle knocks it's bent beak against the mountain until it breaks. After that the eagle will wait for a great amount of time until it's beak grows back again. When it grows back again, the eagle starts pulling it's thick feathers. And after this rigorous change, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and LIVES for 40 years more.

Why the Eagle needed this rigorous and life changing feat?


Well, the short answer is : In order to Survive and Live. We all have to accept some changes in our life. We need to get rid of some unpleasant memories every now and then, some negative habits and our rigid mind set. We can take the advantage of present, only when we make ourselves free from our past burdens.

If an eagle can go through a life changing and even life threatening feat at the age of 41, why can’t we? In order to take a walk on a New road, we have to let go of our old negative paths. Open up your heart and mind, let yourself fly high like an eagle and Believe me that's when you'll feel fully liberated.

When it rains, all the other birds go back to their home and hide in their shelters. But the EAGLE fights the rain by flying above the clouds. The problem is common to all but what makes the difference is the attitude to solve that problem. The Mind Set!

Don’t be afraid of change, accept it with pride . 

Source: www.pravsworld.com

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Awesome post! The eagle is the top of the hierarchy, in nature and in our minds. Could you site a source to the eagle's transformation on the mountain? I would like to read more.

It probably is a myth - but we can still draw a lesson. Sometimes even a movie based on fiction also inspires.

It's a great myth! Not just a coincidence that the thing on top of the hierarchy is also the being with the best vision and the will to change. It's our idea of the eagle, anyway.

Change would alway come...... we have toto be ready for it always

Yeah, that's absolutely true my friend @anaman

This post got a 2.71 % upvote thanks to @cryptonet - Hail Eris !